ITAM Games Partners with Cannon Capital!

Published in
2 min readJan 23, 2019

ITAM Games Forms Strategic Partnership with Cannon Capital, a Chinese Investment Firm

ITAM Games, the company innovating the blockchain gaming ecosystem, joins hands with one of the most prominent Chinese blockchain investment firms, Cannon Capital.

With the release of the ITAM Store approaching in the first quarter of 2019, the first strategic partner ITAM Games has chosen to join forces with is the Chinese blockchain investment firm known as Cannon Capital. Cannon Capital is an investment company that’s leading the Chinese blockchain market, which is the largest in the world. Cannon Capital, which manages one of the most well-known EOS Block Producers (BP) of China, EOS Cannon, has strong networks with various EOS BPs, and is a globally recognized blockchain investment firm. Cannon Capital is especially known for its reputation in being an active investor of dApps with great potential. The MOU between Cannon Capital and ITAM Games isn’t only a collaboration, but much more. It shows that Cannon Capital also recognizes the mutual factors between the needs of the exponentially growing Chinese blockchain market and ITAM Games’ abilities to meet the demand.

George Sheng, the former Head of the EAST China Department of Tecent Online Payments and current Managing Director of Cannon Capital, shared his thoughts, saying ITAM Games is a thriving company based on technological capabilities, and has a definitive vision. It’s a company that impeccably fits the direction that we would like the blockchain ecosystem to go towards. He also stated that marketing and consulting supports will be provided so that ITAM Games will be able to flourish in China.

By working with Cannon Capital, we at ITAM Games will strive to provide a blockchain era full of ample dApps and games, for not just China but the world. Thank you!

Cannon Capital

Cannon Capital is an dApp investment company based in China. Upon establishment in 2017, Cannon Capital has had great experiences in creating and leading various global crypto forums and public and social media networks. They are also known for operating China’s most prominent EOS BP, EOS Cannon.

ITAM Games is a blockchain platform for a transparent gaming ecosystem

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