ITAM’s Next Step to Bigger Market

Published in
3 min readDec 13, 2021

Dear community,

We’ve been quiet for a while. (We apologize if our recent lack of presence has made you worry) Today, we’d like to share with you what ITAM has been up to and what our next steps are.

ITAM: new rules, new paradigm, new age

ITAM has been focused on IR events & game sourcing over the past month. From the last quarter of 2021, we have learned that finding the right fit and solid financial background is key to successful blockchain game service. We have met multiple AAA game studios and investors that are positive about joining on our next venture. We hope to bring some good news before the year ends.

In the process, we have been able to source high quality games that will be as fun to play as to earn. We are currently under the process of integrating new games to blockchain and we will be able to share a sneak peek by January.

Also, from our past experience, we have established new principles for our partners to source quality games:

1. Examine studio’s capability and their experience through actual inspection

2. Confirm development feasibility by reviewing maximum team capacity

3. Require actionable development milestones for at least 3 months after launch

4. Announce new game release only after completion of QA testing

Our first priority is always to meet the expectations of the community. It is our goal to ensure both fun and profit. We know how to create a sustainable token economy and integrate games seamlessly, and now we have additionally accumulated a lot of experience in operation and discipline over the past quarter. In the future, we will provide services with greater responsibility and structure.

If you can take away one thing from this article, please note that ITAM is a continuously growing team. As stated, we have started integrating new games on our middleware, and we will make another official announcement when everything is ready under the principles given above.

LOM: current status and future

As we prepare a new game, we believe many users would be curious about the future of LOM. Before anything, we would like to apologize for the late content update. We generally respect the jurisdiction of game studio and refrain from getting involved with its schedule, but this time we have conducted actual inspection to see what is actually going on.

To share briefly about what we’ve learned, Prunebomb Soft(hereinafter, PRB) is in the process of establishing solid internal system and recruiting experienced developers one by one. We believe this is the right step in a long run. Also, we understand that the transfer of game authority from Tomcat to PRB was abrupt, leaving them with a lot of groundwork such as rebuilding the server. The team is making incredible progress in the backend which may not be visible to the users. Please allow them to reorganize and continue to support your P2E with confidence.

LOM is a meaningful project for ITAM as well since it is the first game that ITAM provides as a platform. While preparing for the release of new games, ITAM will, from now on, cross-check PRB’s schedule and assist its progress.

Nevertheless, please note that game updates and handling issues are under PRB’s control, so please keep an eye on their Twitter and Telegram. Customer service related to game play issues should be directed to official LOM & PRB channel for quick response.

LOM official telegram channel : Prunebomb Soft twitter :

We shared some of our latest commitments with you guys today. We will again be active on our channels regarding any new updates, so please stay tuned!

Thank you.

ITAM team

