Mobile Developer, Yoo Myung Han

Published in
3 min readJan 9, 2019

We met with Myung han Yoo, a mobile developer in charge of Android applications at ITAM Games.

Q00. Please introduce yourself.

My name is Myung han Yoo, and have 10 years of experience as a developer. From Swift to Objective-C, to Java and more, my development skills are diverse. Currently I am focusing on mobile development, more specifically Android development, at ITAM.

Q01. What kind of work do you do at ITAM Games?

Overall, I am in charge of mobile development. As of recently, I have been focusing on the mobile development of the ITAM Store, as well as the SDK that’ll make other games or dApps be able to easily use our services. One key difference from past mobile development I’ve done is that since I have to cater to the EOS-based dApps, there’s slight differences in making it convenient for game companies to utilize EOS for their needs.

Q02. What kind of work did you do prior to joining ITAM Games?

I’ve made a mobile payment app service that’s available in Japan, a global payment app, as well as an SDK that uses NFC to read a card’s data to make payments. I mainly developed apps and services regarding payment systems.

Q03. What attracted you towards Android development?

I wasn’t interested in Android from the start, but because Korea’s mobile development demand is highly-concentrated towards Android, I think I naturally became accustomed to it. Attraction aside, there’s also the advantage in that because there are a lot of Android communities in Korea, it’s a lot easier to solve problems and get answers. On the other hand, I also have high interest in iOS development as well, so if the opportunity presents itself, I want to try it.

Q04. What do you think is mutual between blockchain and Android development?

Because the ITAM Store we are currently developing doesn’t have references we can refer to, minus the Google Play Store, I can’t say there are mutual aspects, but rather we need to connect the two as we proceed with trial and error on both ends.

Q05. Please introduce the ITAM Store that’s currently under development

I believe the start of any Stores are pretty similar: to provide a market for the maximum number of sellers, while at the same time providing a user-friendly service. And this goes with the ITAM Store as well. Because the ITAM Store is a service that connects with other services, our ultimate goal is to provide a service where both the sellers and the users can conveniently use it. In other words, it needs to play a good “mediator” role; a Store that endures. And in the future, I believe the ITAM Store has the potential of being a market with even greater possibilities.

Q06. What’s the greatest difficulty you face while working, and your method of resolving it?

I think the biggest difficulty is the fact that there aren’t references to refer to for Stores. In addition, the security of private keys on blockchain is another difficulty. However, because there are many great developers at our company, we’re able to overcome these difficulties by discussing them internally.

Q07. What is your goal at ITAM Games?

Because the workplace is a place where people work alongside other people, my primary goal is to not be a disturbance to others, and fulfill my share of work. If I work diligently with this mindset, I believe I can also achieve my ultimate goal of living happily.

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