New Updates on CUBE

Published in
3 min readJun 23, 2022

Hello, Cubers! Our product and services have been updated to provide better experience.

Please check the details below.


■ Chat feature improvements

- A friend invitation feature has been added to the group chat room.

- Status information has been updated to display how many participants are in each lobby channel.

- The alert display feature has been added so that you can quickly check any message you received while you’re offline.

■ Bank — Staking is now open

- Single Pool: a lock-up staking feature has been added.
✅ If you stake CUBE tokens, you will receive CUBE token in return.
✅ After a 90-day lock-up, your principal and interest become claimable.

- Event Pool: You can receive the rewards from the NFT pool you previously did (Gregory Page 1–6).
✅ UI improvements — the card-type list is reorganized as a list-type format, so you can more easily check your NFT images

■ Additional supports for Wallet-ETH network

- ETH network is now available in your BSC network-based wallet.
✅ You can own and deposit/withdraw ETH and ERC20 tokens.
✅ You can store CUBE (ETH) tokens you have on Coinone in the wallet as well.
✅ You can use ETH WalletConnect.

■ Whitepaper shortcut added

- A shortcut to the CUBE’s whitepaper has been added so that you can quickly review the whitepaper.

■ Improved convenience features

- Japanese language support has been added.
- Connecting CUBE wallet when entering a store has been improved.
- The language you selected when you installed CUBE will be applied when you launch CUBE.
- The game won’t close when you log in to CUBE while the game is running.

■ Design improvements

- Checking whether your wallet is connected is now more recognizable.

- You can quickly set filter conditions.

- We’ve made Market interface the tone and manner uniform so that you can have the same usability in using the market .

- You can check the information of your tokens and NFTs at a glance.

- You can use the features provided by tokens more conveniently.

More improvements and updates are coming up. Thank you all for your support!

👉 CUBE Lock-up Staking Guide

