New Vision and Tokenomics

Published in
4 min readJun 13, 2022

Hello fellow CUBE supporters! Today we are enthused to announce what’s ahead for CUBE and METAVERSE World.

New Vision and Tokenomics

Upcoming on CUBE

  • Addition of Contents on PC Launcher and Mobile App
  • NFT Store
  • NFT Marketplace
  • E-Commerce
  • Token Financial Services
  • Token Exchange
  • CUBE Chain
  • $CUBE Token

A lot of exciting things are coming! Let’s get into each feature one-by-one:

Addition of Contents

Addition of Contents on PC Launcher and Mobile App

The CUBE platform provides an environment where user experience is seamless across multiple contents. We believe that creative interactions can occur by attracting users with various interests within a single platform through a wider portfolio of content from games to webtoons, dramas, media, and music.

Moreover, social and web streaming functions will strengthen the bond between users and provide a borderless entertainment experience. From text and voice chat to automatic translation and character voice modulation, the boundaries between languages, as well as the virtual and reality will be blurred, and an immersive experience will be created. Lastly, but not least, anyone can create a guild or communicate with other users through web broadcasts to form their own fandom.

NFT Store & Marketplace

NFT Store

The CUBE platform will provide an open store where users can purchase NFT assets. All purchase details will be transparently disclosed on the blockchain, allowing users to directly estimate the value of NFT and make purchase decisions.

Furthermore, it will also support early user attraction for new content through NFT pre-sale. The pre-sale method will be customized for each content and special benefits will be provided to early users participating in the pre-sale.

NFT Marketplace

A marketplace where users can freely trade will be available on CUBE. After the primary sale for each NFT, the Marketplace will provide immediate ways to establish relationships between buyers and sellers by secondary transactions between users. This makes it possible to transparently ascertain the value of NFTs, and to trade the NFTs you want to purchase at a reasonable price.

In addition, CUBE’s Marketplace will support all types of NFTs. From art to music to trading cards, and game items to digital assets, these will all be securely and transparently be tradeable.

The CUBE platform will also support the active introduction of User-Generated Content (UGC) through minting and trading.



With E-Commerce, users will be able to purchase real products using tokens. This will serve as a pivotal role in the continuously expanding circulation structure of the CUBE ecosystem, and provides a practical place for users to consume the rewards earned by enjoying CUBE content and contributing to the ecosystem.

Token Financial Services

Financial services will be provided in two main forms: Game-related service and Ecosystem-related Services

Game-related service: Users can increase the amount of game tokens acquired in the game by exchanging them for $CUBEs or depositing them.

Ecosystem-related service: Users’ $CUBEs are collected and deposited in one place to provide appropriate rewards, and the funds serve as lubricants for the ecosystem.


Token Exchange

Token Exchange will be a service that allows users to convert in-game commodities into $CUBE. Adopting the Automatic Market Maker(AMM) method, the fees generated from the transaction will be paid to the liquidity provider as rewards.

CUBE Chain

CUBE Chain will be a framework for building and maintaining the CUBE ecosystem. It will serve as its own blockchain for numerous users from the CUBE network, while developers and node operators maintain a close connection with the Public Chain. In other words, the CUBE Chain is the infrastructure that helps you build and execute as an internal value system.

$CUBE Token

$CUBE will be used as the Native Coin on the CUBE Chain. In other words, $CUBE will be used to pay the transaction fees when creating and executing smart contracts, and/or transferring virtual assets. $CUBE is what network users use to pay for nodes that process the requested operation.


We at METAVERSE World are committed to shaping the future of blockchain, metaverse, and advanced technology. With a core focus on user experience and innovation to revolutionize, we seek to bring each and every user along the ride. Will you join us? 🤟 🫵

👉 Check out the CUBE WhitePaper

⭐Official Links⭐

👉 Download CUBE Now(for PC)
👉 Download CUBE Wallet(for iOS)
👉 Download CUBE Wallet(for Android)
👉 Check out Cube Market for NFT Trading
👉 Read the CUBE Whitepaper

