NFT Farming Pool Release Notice (2nd round)

Published in
1 min readOct 29, 2021

We’d like to inform you that new NFT farming pool will open.

Existing NFT farming pool has closed, you can claim rewards at Stake — Finished tab.

Stake SS to C Rank NFT equipment and earn LOM tokens, running for 10 days. Staking slots and multipliers by rank remain the same as before.


Starting Time:

End Time:

**** Staking will become available at** ******

[Pool Details]

C Rank Pool[x55]: 20,000 NFT staking slots

B Rank Pool[x66]: 10,000 NFT staking slots

A Rank Pool[x77]: 5,000 NFT staking slots

S Rank Pool[x88]: 2,500 NFT stakings slots

SS Rank Pool[x99]: 125 NFT staking slots

As a result of our recent governance vote, the amount of mining per block of LOM tokens has been reduced to 2 per block. Please note that this adjustment will affect the mining amount.

You can check voting details here:

Thank you.

ITAM team

