Solving the Tyranny Problem of Game Operators

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3 min readJul 18, 2018

High quality gaming experience and convenient UX are among just a few elements needed for a game to be an “entertaining” game. In order to be a “great” game, thorough and fair operation by the game operators must be added to the recipe. If blockchain was to be applied to games, it could be free of tyranny of the operators. Let’s take a look how.

Abuse of Authoritative Power by Operators

“Dark Circle,” one of the game operators of the Korean game <Dungeon & Fighter>, which was enjoying great popularity in 2007, used his position to create a very expensive item and used it for cash transaction, and even after failing to produce an item that cannot be remade once failing, he openly used it, causing users to resent due to abuse of power. Even after this, he used his authoritative power for corruption, leading users to actively seek evidence and petitioned him to leave his position. Although the gaming company released an official apology, it was too late, as users lost their trust in the company. Furthermore, <Order of the Prince>, a game by Net Marble, recently faced an issue as an operator created an expensive item and sold it for cash. As you can see, cases of authoritative power abuse of game operators continues today.

Indiscriminate Tyranny of Operators

Unreasonable profit is not the only way operators use their power for gains; indiscriminate tyranny is also an abuse of power that hurts the gamers. In a server of the MMORPG game, <Granado Espada>, which was once very popular, eight operators manipulated accounts to create guilds, indiscriminately killing users and raising market fees. Even cases with a level of tyranny not as serious as this may have negative effects on users’ gameplay and the game’s ecosystem, and this is occurring constantly beyond online games into mobile games as well.

Problems Starting With Items

Many of the various tyrannies that arise through the game operators often start with expensive items. However, in the gaming ecosystem up until now, because there were no transparent ways to see the operators’ account or how an item was produced, users had to use various programs and social media to find physical evidence for the problem to be solved. Nevertheless, if a public blockchain system is incorporated into a game, the creation of these expensive items as well as who, when, and how it was created becomes transparent, meaning cases of these damages caused by the operators’ tyranny can be expected to reduce. Blockchain technology prevents item duping, and as we have seen game operator’s tyranny as well, proving it to be a necessary technology for games.

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