The Future of the FNCY Mainnet with CEO of NodeReal.

Published in
4 min readOct 11, 2022

Hello everyone! This is METAVERSE World.

The world is eyeing on the decentralized ecosystem because a wave of Web3 is striking almost every industry. The wave gave life to a number of projects and at the same time took away some. For us, it’s time to up-tempo to go through the wave and thus we built our own mainnet together with NodeReal. We were able to take step forward at a faster tempo than before with the partnership sharing the same vision.

Today, we introduce NodeReal who shared their professional technical specialties to build our fancy-ful chain infrastructure, FNCY, and share a talk with Henry, CEO of NodeReal, about the future of FNCY’s mainnet.

| What Is NodeReal?

NodeReal is a one-stop blockchain infrastructure and service provider who provides scalable, reliable, and efficient blockchain solutions. NodeReal is on the top 10 validator list on BNB Chain and Aptos, also supporting Polygon, Optimism on blockchain initiatives.

Their infrastructure solution has helped many projects build the Web3 foundations, some of them are well-known projects like Trustwallet, CMC, Galxe (formerly Project Galaxy).

NodeReal believes in supporting the massive adoption, growth, and long-term success of the Web3 ecosystem.

Q&A From CEO of NodeReal.

1) What is NodeReal’s role in this partnership?

As one of the core contributors for BNB Chain, NodeReal has the expertise
and capability to lead the front of building BNB Application Sidechain for FNCY. NodeReal serves as the infrastructure backbone by doing most of the technical heavy-lifting, designing and constructing a highly scalable application sidechain through Semita solution.

This customized Application Sidechain will provide the following all-in-one gaming platform for FNCY:

1) Provide best-in-class gaming experience.
2) FNCY’s custom token economy. From block reward distribution, gas fee distribution, to gasless transactions, and etc.
3) Create customizable on-chain governance to enable validator management function, proposal execution engine configuration, etc.
4) Secure bridging solution for on-chain play-to-earn .

2) What was it like working with FNCY?

I must say, the experience is great when working with FNCY. Being a pioneer in the gaming industry, FNCY demonstrate strong work value. They have the unique combination of passion and creativity. It is very refreshing to work together as they embrace the challenges put in front and move with a never-settle attitude.

With the endless workload and questions, the team is always ready with new ideas and solutions. I admire the Web3 spirit of FNCY and strongly believe that they will reach even higher milestones in the future.

3) What do you think FNCY’s strong point is compared to other projects NodeReal has worked with?

FNCY envisions the next move in Gamefi by building a self-sustainable ecosystem within a single platform.

NodeReal sees FNCY as the pioneer in the Gamefi industry, the work we have done together is not a one-time deal. I foresee the bigger collaboration which will drive more innovation and involve more service moving forward.

4) Last comments for users looking forward seeing what FNCY’s future looks like.

As I mentioned in my previous note, I believe FNCY will revolutionize the entertainment experience for everyone, anyone, from Web2 to Web3. The FNCY Application Sidechain powered by NodeReal and corresponding bridging solution will be an innovative flagship hub for Metaverse World game studios.

Game studios will be able to create, trade it’s own game tokens and get items on top of this platform. Gamers will also benefit from the new way of playing games by owning and exchanging in-game assets on this secure, reliable and high performance web3 infrastructure. Users from games, web-toons, media and more will move into this big ecosystem very soon.

New Look of FNCY

We’d like to express our gratitude to Henry once again for his time. The future that FNCY is trying to reach, will shine like starlight way more than What Henry saw.

Our new name came out alone, so in the next post, expect to see what FNCY’s “Look & Feel” like.

Can’t wait to show you :D

Scam alert

The number of fake FNCY social media is rising at the moment. Please be aware that all the FNCY channels you can find right now are not official channels. We will be announcing FNCY’s official channels soon.
Our official channels(CUBE) are as follow:

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