UI/UX Designer, Hong Eun Joong

Published in
3 min readNov 6, 2018

we interviewed Hong Eun-Joong, the UI/UX designer that has designed various services for ITAM Network.

Q00. Please introduce yourself.

My name is Hong Eun-Joong, and I’m the UI/UX designer for ITAM Network.

Q01. What kind of work did you do before joining ITAM Network?

I’ve been designing ever since the start of my career. I started with E-learning design, and then worked at a web agency as a junior web designer. Meanwhile, I also started studying video design and was very interested in motion graphics. It was at this time that the topic of the portfolio I was working on was on mobile apps, and ever since then I worked on designing mobile app services instead of web.

Q02. What type of work do you specifically do at ITAM Network?

I work on majority of the designs of the products and services that are made at ITAM Network. From big projects, such as being in charge of the design of the EOStock Chrome Extension, as well as small ones, like creating the thumbnails of the content on Medium, I work on various designs of ITAM.

Q03. Did you have any concerns when deciding to join a startup?

I don’t think I had any concerns. I started working at startups since 2013, and even worked at companies that are smaller than this one. Thus, I’m used to working by myself and designing on my own. In addition, if you work for a startup and the company does well, you tend to receive more compensation. Also, as long as the circumstances allows it, I get to attempt designs that I personally wanted to try; so, I tend to actually prefer startups.

Q04. What is the design concept of ITAM Network?

Because there are slight differences for the services’ web versions and mobile versions, it’s hard to say there’s a single design concept, but my goal is to give the designs a very smooth and flowing look. Also, during the planning stage, we had internal discussions and said we wanted a design as if it was done abroad. It’s hard to put in words, but to give an example, it’s like the sign of a hotdog store? A little unconventional but amusing. We progressively changed and evolved, and now I believe it’s slightly different from what we started with.

Q05. Are there any difficulties you face while working?

Because I have the task of designing on my own, when there are various projects that are simultaneously taking place, keeping track and following the formats and orders of each and every sites and services is a difficulty. Furthermore, although there is the benefit of expressing my own color when working alone, it’s also a little unfortunate that I don’t have many people to converse with in the sense of design.

Q06. Do you have any philosophies and/or beliefs when it comes to design?

I personally believe that as a UI/UX designer that designs what appears on screen, making the rules and formats of what goes on inside the screen is crucial. In order to create good formats and orders that’re well-fit for the product, the construction is critical, and in order to achieve this, the ability to plan well is needed. I guess you can say that my philosophy is that you need good planning skills that you can use to make great formats and order.

Q07. Do you have any goals at ‘ITAM Network?’

I hope that through ITAM Network’s services, I can make a lot of money, and the services can also generate a lot of money as well. I’ve made a lot of services at my previous careers, but weren’t successful because they didn’t create sufficient profits. Therefore, I have the goal of making a service that generates a lot of profit.

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