Why DPOS was Selected for DAPP Development

Published in
4 min readNov 8, 2018



It’s already been nearly half a year since the launch of the EOS mainnet. I’m sure everyone will have different opinions regarding it, but I personally believe that because EOS has stably been being more and more adopted by users, we went the right route in choosing the EOS platform to build our DAPP. In this post, I’ll be going over why we chose the DPOS system EOS, and how it DPOS differs from POS in terms of application. Please keep in mind this solely reflects my own opinions and thoughts as a developer.

The Essential Differences Between POS and DPOS

You can find various different content that already exist on the differences between POS and DPOS. But the main difference comes in whether the production of the blocks that make up the blockchain are “Me,” “Others,” or an “Organization.” Currently, most of the platforms that are considered DPOS most likely have “Organizations” as the block producers.

With POS, the block producers are either “Me” or “Others,” and in this case, the process of mining is inevitable. When producing a block, it’s possible to look at the process of deciding whether the produced block is valid. With this process, power is distributed, and through the distribution the network retains stability. However, there is the disadvantage that the required resources are very consuming.

This type of resource consumption ultimately affects the speed at which the network can process transactions. Yes, there are various platforms that are being released currently that are trying to have faster transaction speeds than POS, but they are not widely-adopted as of yet.

Possibilities With DPOS

These aren’t impossible with POS, but DPOS opens up easier possibilities.

First, it’s possible to expand the actual infrastructure that’s included in the network with much more ease. Because only the infrastructure of the delegated block producers are simultaneously updated with DPOS, the entire network’s infrastructure expands, and by constraining each of the block producing nodes’ infrastructures, the quality of the infrastructures are maintained.

In addition, although it can be said that it goes against decentralization, which is one of the biggest advantages of blockchain, it makes possible semi-power-distribution work, which is critical in the position of a developer that provides services via DAPP. Things such as corrective action on transaction mistakes of users, banning malicious users who have negative effect on the entire network, etc. are either not possible with POS, or extremely slow. Amongst the DPOS-based blockchain platforms, EOS especially not only filters users’ accounts, actions, etc. on each node, but also allows whitelists and blacklists for each nodes, allowing for quality control of the entire network.

A Continuously Developing Blockchain

Although blockchain was seen as having many features and benefits that could be applied throughout society when it first came out, we can now see that there are several problems that it faces. I believe that this isn’t necessarily a problem of blockchain itself, but rather a sign that the technology is in the process of growing and developing as it’s being used in everyday lives. Thus, I believe blockchain will be development and application platform that’ll continuously be developed.

I think that DPOS-based main network is an evolved blockchain that was made to make the performance and environment applicable to real life without harming the meaning of “decentralization” that many POS-based main networks had regarded as critical. In a way, the success factor of DPOS-based EOS is, very clearly, stable transaction rates. I acknowledge that this change is a change within the blockchain that does not seriously undermine the characteristics of the blockchain itself.

I somewhat agree with a lot of what other posts say on how EOS is the 3rd generation blockchain. I feel that the DPOS-based consensus approach of blockchain will finally allow DAPP developers that use blockchain platforms to provide users with sufficient speed and stability.

Of course, there are going to be other types of blockchain other than POS and DPOS in the future. I’m very excited to see the upcoming blockchain platforms that will solve the current problems we have today.

*The articles on ITAM COLUMN may not reflect the ideas of ITAM Network, and the ownership and responsibility of the articles are given to the writers.

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