Becoming a More Innovative Leader | Stuart Ferster

Today’s fast-growing market requires that organizations adopt innovative leadership. This skill is needed to inspire their employees to take risks and grow. Every leader should take five simple steps to become an innovative leader .

Reevaluate Best Practices

Instead of assuming that the way you have always done things is best, try to challenge yourself and your team by doing something different. Doing so will allow you to keep your organization from falling into the complacency trap. Best practices can be a great tool for helping you think critically and solve creative problem-solving, but they should not be used as a crutch.

In addition to considering the various factors that have worked out well in the past, it’s also important to consider the resources you can allocate to implement new ideas.

Although you may lose money on an experiment, consider the importance of learning from failures. As you and your team develop new ideas, it’s important to make the best decisions regarding implementation. Failure is a part of innovation, and learning from both success and failure is important.

Increase the Pace of Decision Marking

An innovative leader’s ability to make quick decisions is a critical skill. This is because they have the confidence and trust in their team to make quick decisions.

Although they may not agree with the decisions that are being presented, an innovative leader can still make them based on the advice and experiences of his or her team.

Don’t Interfere When It’s Not Necessary

Innovative leaders can make decisions without being influenced by other people’s opinions or ideas. He or she can also let their team take on the initiative.

One of the main barriers preventing workplace innovation is the lack of creativity. Before becoming an innovative leader, it’s important to look at how you manage new ideas and procedures. If you’re not willing to consider new ideas, it will prevent you from becoming an effective leader.

After you and your management team have successfully hired the right talent, it’s important to acknowledge when it’s time to let your team take on new responsibilities and work on their projects. This is a difficult task, but it’s also a great opportunity for your team to develop new skills and take on new responsibilities.

Accept Failure

Despite the challenges of innovation, it’s still important to consider the long-term goals of the project and the success of the team. If an individual or a group of people are working on an innovative project that just doesn’t work, then it’s important that they can accept and learn from their failure.

After they’ve learned from their mistakes, successful teams can take the lessons they’ve learned and use them to improve their next project or new initiative. Creating an environment that’s afraid of failure will prevent your team from taking risks necessary to move the organization forward.

An innovative leader must also learn to walk a fine line when accepting failure. Employees and teams that fail due to a lack of commitment, planning, or collaboration can no longer be considered an acceptable part of the organization’s culture. This type of environment can prevent an organization from becoming an innovative one.

Recognize Success

Rewarding the hard work of your team members is also important to ensure that they can keep pushing the limits of what’s possible. If they’re willing to take on new risks and develop new processes or technologies, you’ll be able to recognize and reward them for their efforts.

When innovation works well for your organization and team, it’s important to acknowledge and reward them for their efforts. This type of recognition is usually the best way to show your appreciation for their hard work. It allows them to feel the impact of the recognition and helps others on the team recognize the importance of what they’ve done.

Although becoming an innovative leader can be a daunting task, it’s also important to remember that it will take time to fully develop and implement the necessary habits to make your organization successful. These five steps will help you re-form the habits that will help you lead an innovative team.

Originally published at on September 20, 2022.



Stuart Ferster
Interactive Technology Corporation Ltd: Digital Marketing & IT Support

Stuart Ferster, based in Stockport, UK, is the Executive Director of Interactive Technology Corporation (ITC). For more, be sure to visit