Communicating More Effectively as a Leader | Warren Ferster Manchester

The best teams consist of individuals with exceptional leadership abilities and great members. If only one of these is not present, a team will not achieve its full potential.

Unfortunately, many factors can affect a great leader’s performance. One of these is the failure of their team to perform well. It can also be caused by the leader’s inability to communicate the company’s vision.

Despite the various factors that can affect a leader’s performance, it does not mean that their team’s fate is determined by them. A great leader will take every team member to the top regardless of their limitations. There are countless books about leadership, but what you will notice is that they all follow a similar pattern. This makes it easier to identify what makes an excellent leader .

Strive for Authenticity

The success of a great team depends on its mutual trust. To build a strong relationship with your team, you should regularly show transparency in all of your actions and words. This will help ensure that members of your organization will always see the truth.

Being yourself is much easier said than done. Being too professional or keeping your team members in the dark about specific issues can lead to frustration and slow down your progress. Being too focused on the corporate world can also cause you to lose touch with the people you are actually working with.

Be Respectful

Getting too busy can affect your mood. However, don’t try to justify your actions by saying that you are only doing this because you are on the corporate ladder. Instead, treat your team members as if they are your equals. At the end of the day, they are still human beings and should be treated with respect. Treating your team members as equals is essential because tyranny in the workplace is only served by the egos of the upper management.

Be Specific

Make sure that your team members are clear about what you expect from them when it comes to doing something specific. In an ideal world, you would be able to explain why you decided to do something in this way. However, this can be hard to achieve due to who you are and how you might not be the one who actually made the decision.

Every piece of information that you share with your team should be simple and straightforward. Whether it is about the latest industry developments or essential news from upper management, make sure that it is delivered in a way that your team members can easily understand.

Contrary to popular belief, simplifying your communication does not mean that you are degrading your team’s intelligence. Even if you are working with some of the most prominent experts in the world, you should still be as concise as possible. Having fewer words can help your team members work more efficiently and benefit the entire organization.

Listen Actively

Communication is not only about what goes out but also about what goes in. You can’t possibly address your team’s problems if you don’t have the necessary knowledge. Being able to listen to your team members is very important, as it can help you identify their needs and improve their performance.

One of the most critical steps that you can take to improve your communication is to practice active listening. This involves being able to focus on the speaker and understand their message.

Originally published at on September 20, 2022.



Warren Ferster, Manchester
Interactive Technology Corporation Ltd: Digital Marketing & IT Support

Warren Ferster is a UK based business professional and leader and the Executive Director of Interactive Technology Corporation (ITC). Visit!