How Empathy Can Make You a Better Leader | Stuart Ferster

The word has various meanings in different settings. In your personal life, it means being sensitive to the feelings of your partners, friends, and family. On the other hand, in the workplace, it means being able to talk about your feelings with colleagues in a way focused on the topics most important to you.

In your personal life, it’s easier to talk about your feelings than it is in the workplace. Doing so naturally with your significant others can help you feel more comfortable and connect with others more effectively. However, in the workplace, it can be hard to make connections that can help improve communication and collaboration.

Most effective leaders understand what empathy is and how it can affect their relationships with their subordinates, customers, and superiors. Being able to practice empathy at a subconscious level can help improve your performance in the workplace. It can also help you avoid conflict and resolve issues.

Becoming a More Empathetic Leader

Identifying the signs of loneliness among your team members and those you report to is very important for leaders. Loneliness can affect a person’s work performance and reduce their effectiveness. It can also cause a breakdown in communication and lead to other issues within the organization. Due to the pandemic, many companies are still trying to figure out how to implement a remote work culture.

In addition to preventing burnout and improving business outcomes, empathy can help you develop deeper connections with your team members and improve your relationships. These practices can be incorporated into your daily conversations with your subordinates.

To connect with someone, you must be curious about their background, personal experiences, and feelings. This is because, to connect with others, you have to ask questions. You should also spend less time focusing on what’s happening in your life and more time allowing people to talk about their issues or work conflicts.

Although it’s important to talk about your issues, it’s also important to listen to and recognize the feelings of your team members. This is because many of them may not feel comfortable talking about their feelings. For instance, an employee might feel that they’re being judged or threatened because of their feelings. Having a natural opportunity to talk about their feelings can help you connect with them and improve their relationships.

Your body language can help invite others to approach you and reach out to you for empathy. The concept of an open-door policy is a decade old, and its reasons are still valid. However, you can go even further by being more welcoming and approachable. For instance, when you first meet someone, turn your entire body toward them.

You can also validate the feelings of your team members by telling them that you value how they feel. This can be done by saying, “I would like to feel the same way,” or “I would feel the same way.” You can use your body language to show interest in their words. By being able to practice these signals, you’ll be able to become more instinctive.

One of the most common myths about being an empathetic leader is that you should share a similar experience that you’ve encountered that’s similar to what the other person is going through. This can help you understand their feelings, but it can also place the focus on you instead of the other person. Instead of focusing on the other person’s emotional experience, this approach takes away from the other person’s emotional journey.

One of the most important steps that you can take to become an effective empathy leader is to show that you care about your team members. This is because, in order to be truly empathy-centered, we need to also care about the well-being of the other person. However, the goal of empathy is not to care about performing well in a performance-oriented manner. It’s about building strong relationships with your team members so that you can reach your goals.

Originally published at on October 31, 2022.



Stuart Ferster
Interactive Technology Corporation Ltd: Digital Marketing & IT Support

Stuart Ferster, based in Stockport, UK, is the Executive Director of Interactive Technology Corporation (ITC). For more, be sure to visit