5 Wellness Tips to Change Your Life

Georgia Drew
iTech Grow and Tell
3 min readNov 17, 2020

Wellness might sound like a buzzword of yesteryear, but the principle of looking after yourself is one of the most important things you can do. Here at iTech Media we care about our employee’s health so much we even have a Head of Wellbeing. Yes, that is a real job title! Leanne Spencer is the port of call for any of our questions on sleep, stress and health — and now she’s trained up some of our own team to help spread the knowledge.

Our Wellbeing Champions are a group of colleagues who are on hand to help provide support across the company. We asked a few of them to give us their top wellness tips. Here’s what they had to say:

1. Make a No Phone Zone

“Previously I’d wake up to my phone’s alarm and instantly check social media or emails. Each day I’d waste half an hour transfixed on my phone, before I’d eventually get out of bed. Now I leave my phone in another room. It means if I have to get up, I’m more motivated to do other habits that give me better wellbeing. Things like starting the day with a yoga class or making a proper breakfast. I’ve also found I start the day more focused, and generally happier. This one was a gamechanger for me.” — Kirsten, Content Editor

2. Snack on Exercise

“This is something our Head of Wellbeing inspired to me to do at the start of lock-down, and I’ve not looked back. Fitness Snacking is a single set of exercises you do once an hour to keep yourself energized throughout the day. It might sound like a lot, but it could be as simple as doing 15 push ups or 15 squats on rotation throughout your day. It doesn’t take long — about 5 mins max every hour.”

“Not only does it keep my blood flowing, so I’m energized throughout my working day, it also releases endorphins to really help me keep a positive mindset throughout the day’s challenges.” — Josh, Project Manager

3. Challenge Your Social Media Habits

“It’s so easy to get caught up in endless scrolling on social media — I’ve wasted more time than I care to admit on it. We know these platforms are filled with triggers to keep us engaged, but I’ve found reading Nir Eyal’s book Indistractible has some great advice on taking back control. Ask yourself: ‘Is this trigger serving me, or am I serving it?’ All too often, the answer has me guiltily putting down my phone. Spending less time on social this year has given me better mental wellbeing, and I’m spending my time on more worthwhile activities that give me more happiness.” — Kirsten, Content Editor

4. Listen Yourself to Sleep

“Sleep stories — or sleepcasts — are exactly what they sound like. On the internet or via an app a person (usually with a super smooth voice) will read a story aloud. It kind of throws you back to being a kid! They might start off with a wind down exercise, so you don’t go into the story with a wired mind. These could be breathing techniques or just noting thoughts to be present in the moment — but they really help to ease you into the calm. “

“I’ve found that by adding this to my bedtime routine has helped me park all my emotions and baggage from the day. I can really decompress and ultimately get a better night’s sleep. There are loads of apps out there to do this, but just a quick search on Google can find you a load of free resources too!” — Josh, Project Manager

5. Start With a Zing

“I start every day with a glass of water and fresh lemon. It hydrates me and makes me feel as awake and energized as a cup of coffee, but without the caffeine induced jitters! I also like to take 10 to 15 minutes of quiet time where I think about what I hope to get out of the day. I just sit and think about what I will be doing, and what positive things I plan to achieve.” — Ryan, Talent Acquisition Partner

