Introducing Pablo, LATAM Content Manager for our Sports Pillar

iTech Media
iTech Grow and Tell
4 min readFeb 16, 2023

We spoke to Pablo to find out more about his day-to-day at iTech, his biggest learning since he joined us, and his secret sporting talents.

Give us a brief introduction to you — what’s your role and how long have you been at iTech?

I am Pablo from Argentina. I’ve lived in Madrid since 2015 and, after working for 5 years at El Pais, I joined iTech in June 2022 as LATAM Content Manager for the Sports Pillar.

What has been your career journey so far?

I’ve always worked in the sports industry, and after a few years in journalism I wanted to keep learning, growing and developing in my career. iTech demonstrated that it was the perfect place to do so. I’ve always loved to think about users and readers, and to try to find the best stories and pieces of content for them. I love the fact that I have the opportunity to do this here at iTech every day.

What does day-to-day life in your role look like?

In the beginning I spent a lot of time creating our new content strategy. This is something that I really enjoy because it’s creative. Now the job is about understanding what kind of pages we need to create in line with the strategy to accomplish the goals that we set. I organise our resources and plan the content delivery, but I also keep an eye on new opportunities to boost our content, our metrics and meet the varying needs of our audience.

I have daily stand-ups with my team to see how things are progressing and to listen to new ideas regarding content creation. Some of the content we produce is less ‘creative’ — such as the standard content of a homepage, or terms and conditions, or evergreen content such as informational pages — and I also need to make sure that those pieces of content are of the highest quality. We reach a really big audience, and we try to be responsible and rigorous for everything that we publish — the standards are high in order to give the end users the best experience possible!

What has been your biggest learning at iTech?

Working with different cultures, teams and learning how to work in a completely different way. Everywhere in iTech you find people with different backgrounds, and cultures. We’re a pretty diverse crew! One thing that surprised me is that I realised that you can work with people who are kind whilst giving honest feedback at the same time. The culture here is one of radical candour, we’re motivated to do our best work, and sometimes that needs critical feedback, but it’s always given with respect and best intentions to deliver amazing work.

If you could give one piece of advice to someone joining iTech, what would it be?

Try to learn all that you can from every single meeting, workshop, session, project. We work in cross-functional teams and there’s a huge amount of industry knowledge and expertise in the business.

What job did you want to do growing up?

I wanted to be a football player! I always wanted to play at Boca Juniors from Argentina. At the moment, I play with 20 other Argentinian friends in Madrid in a Spanish equivalent of a Sunday league, and we wear CD Leganés kit. I’m only 31, so who knows… maybe my dream will still come true one day!

What’s your secret talent that no one knows about?

Everyone knows that I said I am a good ping-pong player, but I haven’t played at our offices yet.

If you could have an unlimited supply of one thing, what would it be?

Unlimited BBQ’s with friends!

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