2016 Tencent Carnival

Breaking the record with more than a thousand visitor

Ivan Oung
9 min readNov 24, 2016


At 10:30 a.m. on November 10, 2016, the Tencent Carnival took place in a small exhibition hall, visitors stacking up in a long queue after merely half an hour into the opening.

This is the most popular 2016 Tencent Carnival Pavilion, with a daily admission record of thousands of visitors. Called the Tencent Intelligent Play Association, this pavilion offers a museum-like experience with cutting-edge technology.

But how can a small pavilion of just a tad over 60 square meters in size offer fieldwork and detailed explanations? How can only a number of 7 staffs taken up such a mission? And what did they do to make this miracle come true? As corny as it sounds, it’s about time to dive in.

The Intelligent Play Association, a museum-like experience with cutting-edge technology (hereinafter referred to as “Intellectual Play Experience Museum”), is located at the carnival on the eastern side of the main stage, “Tian Men Shan,” at the end of this obscure corner. The exterior walls offer a light blue background, and an intellectual mascot — a penguin — is featured at the forefront of the display. In contrast, the entrance features black arches and an air of mystery. The exterior piques most visitors’ curiosity.

It is worth mentioning that one into the intellectual experiences at the museum entrance, into the eyes of the display, is the Interactive Engagement Group (IEG) R & D Department of the host game development “Endless Sword: Fate,” complete with a signboard, sword, Janus and background side by side. An intimately placed WeChat scan code instantly prints photos of the Polaroid in one machine, while a separate door has received overwhelmingly positive feedback from visitors.

Home VR Exhibition

At the main site of the experience, the first thing that catches visitors’ attention is the home virtual reality equipment experience area. Here, intellectual play experience is placed in the museum HTCVive, Oculus CV1, and PSVR 3 with the newest VR equipment.

The first thing visitors can see is the virtual reality platform, where famous works such as “Fruit Ninja” are reborn. Despite the stadium being accessible right from the entrance, there was some traffic congestion at the museum.

“Fruit Ninja VR” HTC Vive features two induction handles that resemble knives, allowing players to hold hands and wield the action of cutting the fruit flying in front of them. The game play is very simple and intuitive here, and the HTC Vive positioning precision performance advantages offer players a vivid experience.

Compared to the original “Fruit Ninja,” “Fruit Ninja VR” takes the configuration of the pole, and in the traditional “knife with cut” motion, the addition of new combinations gives players the option to determine the way they play. This diversifies the fruit cutting strategy, as many different cutting methods can result in high scores.

Here is this clever gentleman making use of the high-speed chaotic approach, or as I would like to call it the “Judge away, I couldn’t care less of what you think”. Just look at this action, which is simultaneously bold and dangerous. In the traditional “Fruit Ninja,” the cut method would result in low scores, however in the VR version, this player’s score is better than what we expected.

There are a number of teams showcasing their games at the museum, and the next one we will see is the PSVR exhibition. PSVR is a new listing in the 2016 late VR device category, as the host game (Console Game) VR represents a new era. The PSVR game lineup is short, but high-end nonetheless (see the “PSVR starter game analysis” provided by the association and the game study group).

This time, the intellectual play experience museum features “The Playroom VR,” with which most visitors are familiar. As the official starting game of SCE, “The Playroom VR” inherited the family fun and somatosensory game concept of “The Playroom.” It also draws on Nintendo’s “Mario Party 10” and other games of the same concept, creating two sets of content for the VR new game model so that master and deputy players can play simultaneously.

Today, “The Playroom VR” is as hot as “Hotline Bing”’s initial release as among children. Let’s take a look at the heroic position of these small players as they play this children’s game.

To see their big eyes so bright and piercing like headlights, we must think about the future of games.

PP GUN Exhibition

After the PSVR exhibition, we arrived at the most famous shooting game, which involves the somatosensory peripherals at the PP GUN booth. PP GUN is the “All the guns king” partner. This time, at the Tencent Carnival, they also use “All the guns king” as their game to reinforce their gaming experience.

PP GUN has rifles, two versions of pistols, and can be installed on the tablet, PC, or mobile phone. Players can enjoy an immersive experience of first person shooting with their comrades.

“All the guns king” implies the production of sophisticated simulated guns, but for PP GUN to do a special optimization — well, this is very popular, and allows players to increase their fitness levels. Each shooting action generates unique PP GUN vibration feedback. PP GUN is one of the most popular pieces of equipment at the venue. Only I was able to sneak those under my cloak of invisibility.

Whether adults or children, visitors find that PP GUN provides a unique, unprecedented experience of the Tencent game world. For us, this is great publicity. For me, it’s a great way of spending my weekend time lining up with the crowd.

KATVR Exhibition

KATVR is the world’s best virtual reality universal treadmill, and one of the intellectual play experience museum’s most important experiences. With an HTC Vive device, KATVR allows players to experience the VR game at their own pace. Player obtain full control at the initiation stage, and are allow to move freely. Oh hello Kirito Kun, where is Atsuna?

Relying on the movement of ones leg to navigate through the entire, dozens of bullets moving through the game lighting have attracted a large number of players to the front row of the KATVR exhibition. I heard that many visitors who got hooked from their first play, queuing up for more in the afternoon just for the sake of going for a round 2.

Here, we have to mention that the intellectual play experience museum is a small partner. This is how KATVR successfully appeared in the venue.

The KATVR base, support, control platform, accessories, and other parts — even the packaging material — weigh a few tons. As KATVR has only recently been officially for sale, all the components must be sent from Hangzhou to Shenzhen, and players must wait for the onsite assembly. Before the start of the exhibition, the intellectual play association and the game research group, which consists of a number of small partners, oversaw the equipment storage. These days, in order to find a suitable warehouse, staffs are required to move tons of components and parts around the block. Now the only thing that we need is Iron man’s suit, could’ve made their live much easier.

(Both wooden boxes are KAT equipment.)

Hot Tips

The entire intellectual play experience museum building works in a microcosm of sorts. In order for the audience to enjoy the best KATVR story experience possible, the museum’s seven staff members have been sweating all over the place to ensure the venue can run at its full capacity.

On November 10, many of the staff did not participate in the long-awaited celebration regiment activities, they did not catch up with the Secretary-General’s live broadcast on November 11, and they failed to take a look at the November 12 Carnival Rite of the Lord Stage programs. Since there is little time to eat regularly and complete their overnight work, it is commonplace for staff to use a huge curtain as a rag to wipe down the table to save time. Cabo jokingly called it “the whole of Shenzhen’s largest rags.”

Finally, in the early morning of the November 12, when the staff are finally moving equipment, debugging a good network, and laying out all the props, they leave the museum for a few hours. After a short nap, they immediately return to work so visitors can continue experiencing the interactive gaming activities. The venue is very popular, so the staff close the museum until the evening. There is not much time for a longer rest, but it is such a passion for the staff to ensure a high quality of experience.

Because the audience is busy experiencing the queuing equipment, there is no time to ask for a gift. The results of the museum venue include a box of gifts — a big-box “save” gift, if you will — which supports the brother’s sector exhibition hall.

This is not an eye-catching reward, but entirely by virtue of the staff’s enthusiasm, with an excellent quality of experience, the audience’s spontaneous interest in the museum experience leaves everyone a winner.

Shenzhen in November — the sun is not at its hottest, but the crowds waiting in the hall heat the air in the museum. People are talking and sweating, eager to experience the cutting-edge technology experience museum. The intellectual play association created thousands of admissions, and the staff-per-person ratio reached an all-time record of 1-to-150 in 2016. They definitely deserved the “most popular” title.

It is reported that on the second day of the upcoming carnival, the forefront of the science and technology experience museum will invite visitors to enjoy the full depth of experience mode. Visitors can play more fun games, dear goose factory children’s shoes and their families no longer need to endure the sun from the queue — all they need is to be open to having a good time. So, come to the forefront of science and technology experience museum to play!

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