A creative Consensus: joining the hands of Moonlight blade and MIT Game lab

Ivan Oung
Published in
7 min readOct 4, 2016

September 6th, 2016, MIT Game lab and Tencent Interactive Entertainment group signed the strategic cooperation agreement at the old Federal reserve bank of Boston.

The ceremony took place under the witness of the director of MIT Game lab Scot Osterweil, the manager of the Game lab professor Richard Eberhardt Mit Remherb, eSport research team from Tencent IEG, their user research team, Moonlight Blade group and the brand management team from Tencent interactive entertainment group.

One thing worth mentioning is that not only Moonlight Blade had achieved a leading development in the field of IP, they were also able to collaborate with some of the most prestigious research institutions from the States, such as MIT game labs, NuVu Innovation lab, Herebedragons VR lab. They were being gathered to discuss and discover how cutting-edge technology affects the future development of gaming.

Reason behind: Top-notch quality and technology advance cultural heritage to a higher level

The Princeton Review has continuously ranked MIT as the North America’s top game design institute; the leadership of MIT in the fields of game research, user experience, design and development of data analysis is indisputable as Sid V being the best among the series of Civilizations.

As early as 1962, the cradle of video games: MIT game lab published the first computer game — Spacewar. It would not be an overstatement to call MIT as the holy cradle of gaming technology, of how experienced they are in the fields of gaming. Both MIT game labs and Tencent IEG both had the same desire in searching for a better stage with the technology they currently possess, they wish to explore the fields of gaming and the rich culture behind together through collaborations. To create the world where gaming has no borders and boundaries.

The foundation of the cooperative relationship between MIT and Tencent, are quality, technology, and the spirit of exploration. Take Moonblade as an example, RTG system creates uncompromising scenery, realistic lighting technology and weathering system, backed up by the powerful Quicksilver system. A series of A-class, world-leading technology, comes together to be the stepping stone for games in China, to catch up with the rest of the world.

MIT game labs and the Moonlight blade team had reached an in-depth yet heated discussing during their exploration in product design. Regarding the application of big data analysis of the game, the development of AI, the future direction of technology and social development of Moonlight blade, both parties had come to a creative consensus.

New way out for traditional games: unlocking the true potential of Moonlight blade

The adaptation of LBS technology contributed greatly to the worldly success of Pokémon Go. Bequeath the element of Chinese traditional heritage, Moonlight blade is responsible for an important mission, to not only limit their footstep within China area but to explore their possibility outside the land of China. Team Moonlight blade are always open to the idea of exploring in the field of technology.

Besides traditional graphic engines and picture optimization, team Moonlight blade also invested heavily in the fields of virtual reality, augmented reality and artificial intelligence. Through this visit in the US, team Moonlight blade also had the chance to learn from some of the creative gurus such as NuVu and Herebedragons. They wish to unlock their true potential by paying their visits to people who are standing at the frontier of innovation.

Specifically, as a potential collaborator, team Moonlight blade are very interested in how NuVu works. NuVu targets teenagers around the age of 18, aiming to unlock their potential of imagination through subjective learning, interactive and creative environment. One of the earlier projects NuVu participated in was a project aimed to combine gaming with storytelling. Through interaction between the students, and with a little help from the interactive media, they were able to re-tell the traditional stories in a brand new, intriguing way.

Moonlight blade team did a group lecture at the NuVu Innovation Lab during their visit. It was something different from the way how traditional lectures were being conducted. It was interactive, and experiential-centric won the praise of teachers and students. Surprising enough, local students showed a great level of interest towards the game and the stories that lie behind the veil of heritage. Meanwhile, students were also surprised by the level of completion on recreating the essence of traditional heritage with the application of gaming technology; immersive interactive experience in the world of martial arts, incomprehensible freedom and participation, it is a form of art that cannot be appreciated with merely the help of novels or movies.

Team leader of Moonlight blade was surprised by the reaction they have received from the classroom. They did not anticipate how attractive Chinese culture can be in the eyes of foreigners. This has been nothing but a great confidence booster to the team for their future planning in expanding their game outside China region.

During the tech exchange session with Herebedragon, team Moonlight blade also mentioned the possibility of adapting the technology of virtual reality. They also showed a strong interest towards the methodology that is being adopted by the Herebedragon team in the recreation of art. On the other hand, Herebedragon were more interested towards the application of VR and AR.

As one of the top VR studio, Herebedragons (originally named: Vrse.works) created a series of addictive VR video. Some of the more successful examples are “Walking NY” and “The displaced”, the entire VR industry went on an imitating spree because of that.

Meanwhile, during the conversation with Herebedragons, the Magic Blade team revealed their interpretation on the considerations of multi-form of the gaming future: for sophisticated industries, the force of technology development always comes first. There are reasons to believe that, following the change of gaming era, Moonlight blade will be riding on the tide, to create a better future according to their players’ expectation without losing their core of heritage.

Future vision of China’s online game: Globalization of Chinese heritage

Team Moonlight blade concluded that the fastest path of globalizing Chinese heritages and traditional values are the adaptation of gaming.

This wasn’t anything like space science: with the signing of the strategic cooperation agreement with the MIT game lab, enthusiastic responses from students and professors during the NuVu session, and follow-up questions that flooded in after the session suggested that gaming is definitely pointing them the right direction.

In the form of gaming, its unique interactive, immersive, participatory experience, provided us with a new solution for expanding traditional culture. In the age of the internet, challenges such as mistranslated books, or regional acceptance of certain media still exist. However, gaming seems to be the Tower of Babel in cultural exchange, uniting people around the world, bringing down barriers and wall that stands between cultures and heritages.

Moonlight blade being one of the symbolical representative of Chinese martial arts culture, the spirit of chivalry, the unique traditional view of the world, the mysterious continent and “Kung Fu”, are getting more attention from the western world comparing to the earlier times. As because of that, in completing the mission on spreading Chinese culture around the global falls on the shoulder of team Moonlight blade.

As director of the International Communications Research Center of Tsing Hua University Li Xi Guang once said: “I took my students to experience the game, is to let them read outside classrooms. To explore things that are not within their reach”.

As of now, games are taking up the responsibility of every culture bears: to create, inheritance, inspire, and output. For Moonlight blade, they now have the opportunity to be the pioneer in such respective field.

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