Amazon’s flywheel …

Jon Nordmark
Published in
2 min readJun 11, 2020

This is a new map of Amazon’s ecosystem … it’s a flywheel.

It includes 43 subsidiaries, 200 million Echo devices (in people’s homes), 572 physical stores, a $19 billion digital ad business, 400 private label brands, a $1.5 billion eSports business, a fast-growing $40 billion revenue cloud business, blockchain, and IoT services, a number of healthcare initiatives, a $40 billion R&D budget, a few startup investment funds, and so much more …

The Amazon Ecosystem Map (above) was built by We built it to help journalists as they wrote the Tech Nations project (a well-researched series of articles about Amazon and other tech giants). The series’ 2nd article (linked below) describes Amazon’s Ecosystem

Excerpts from the Flywheel article:

“( provided us with a map of Amazon’s ecosystem which hints at its possible future shape. In the last few years — Amazon has acquired or invested in a protein-based sweet maker, an electric car producer, a mesh-wifi maker, and a company offering interactive voice lessons to students. The company has spent around $4 billion on AI-orientated start-ups, according to calculations (provided by, and employs around 7,000 AI specialists to help it harness the increasingly huge quantities of data collectively generated by its products.

“AI is the currency around which the nation of Amazon will increasingly be structured.”

Amazon is implanting Alexa into more and more consumer products,” ( told us, highlighting two products released by Amazon last year: Echo Frames (glasses with Alexa) and Echo Loop (an Alexa-enabled smart ring). (Amazon) has millions of listening and watching devices in your home and on your body. Imagine a Western government listening to everything you sayand watching you inside your home and your yard. Yet Amazon is doing it and consumers are embracing it.”

This series of articles — the Tech Nations project — nudge CEOs, boards, and strategists to think in terms of ecosystems.



Jon Nordmark

Co-founder, CEO of, exited for >$100 million — Co-founder, CEO of; E&Y Entrepreneur of Year Rocky Mountain Region; Linkedin Top Voice.