A TravelApp? MVP V0.0000000000


2 min readMar 7, 2018


Release notes:

This is the first update to Travel Club that has been pushed to our heroku app.

TravelClub v0 (http://clubtravel.herokuapp.com)

In it you will find a number of early features:

1. User accounts
2. Add travel logs
3. Share link to your profile
4. Profile editing
5. Travel Log editing (edited)

My profile looks like this:

By design, we kept the styling to a bare minimum. We did this for a number of reasons:

  1. We want to run a true experiment on the concept (not the design) of our app. Do people like storing and sharing where they travel?
  2. Less designs means we can ship faster meaning we can iterate faster and rule out false assumptions.
  3. Simpler design also means we have less ego attached to this project — keeps us honest and fair as we do not have much hidden bias.

Sign up is dead simple:

We made it super easy for users to share their own links:

Anyways, this is V0.000000. Excited to see where this project goes from here.

