Why TravelPage

Log and Share Your Travels

2 min readMar 11, 2018


I love traveling. Specifically, I enjoy venturing to unique and interesting places that challenge my conceptions and broaden my worldview.

When I travel, I feel most present (and it is really fun).

A few months ago, I left the comfort of familiarity for, what has quickly become, the journey of a life-time.

I have been lucky enough to do so many things: clubbing in Barcelona, motorbiking in rural Vietnam, cooking class in Taipei, and so much more. Like I said, it has been amazing.

I am studying abroad now in Hong Kong (HKUST), and have been adventuring nearly every weekend (until June!). I am learning lots about different cultures and ways of life. I have made a purposeful and conscious effort to make the most out of this experience — trying to live each day to the fullest and experience as much as possible.

Before I left, I tweeted out a rough idea of where I wanted to go:

And while I have been here (in Asia), I have been updating this google sheet of where I am going and sending it to all of my friends and family.

In talking to my friends…some of whom are epic globetrotters

I realized that lots of people keep (or wish they had kept) a similar (and ugly) google sheet of where they have been / where they want to go.

Thus, Jeremy Maluf, Gavin Dinubilo and I figured there must be a better / prettier way to log and share this information.

So we’re building TravelPage (in public) so you can log your travels and share with your friends.

You can sign up for early access here.

We will be sending out first invites later this week.

