ithinki comparisons

Leah Topchik Cohen
Published in
5 min readSep 19, 2020

ithinki vs Trello

How difficult is it to switch?

Getting started only takes 60 seconds.

We don’t yet have an integration for Trello but feel free to get in touch at and the team will help move your data over.

Does it cost more?

Both Trello and ithinki have a free tier, ithinki is a lot less restrictive on the free tier. The paid tier is similar pricing on both so you won’t be paying more on ithinki.

What extra will I get?

These tools serve different purposes, ithinki is designed with feedback in mind. Out of the box, you get user interaction from non-team members including posting new feedback cards, voting and commenting on existing items. There is also far more customization available on ithinki, meaning your users will feel as though they are on your site. You gain fine-grained control over what is publicly viewable vs what is only available to your team; allowing internal feedback and discussions on the customer facing board. Additionally, there are controls in place to de-duplicate similar feedback items, and powerful filters to help you manage your board, that are only available through bolt-ons with Trello.

Any drawbacks?

ithinki is in its early days, very much with feedback in mind, so there is some functionality missing that you’ll see on Trello. It’s not a fully fledged product management system, so assigning cards to users and putting estimates on cards are not yet available. Additionally, there is not yet a public API available as there is with Trello, and we don’t offer the vast number of bolt-ons you have access to on the paid Trello plan.

However, we are a fast-moving early stage startup so let us know your thoughts on and there’s a good chance we’ll develop features you request!

ithinki vs Canny

How difficult is it to switch?

Getting started only takes 60 seconds.

We don’t yet have an integration for Canny but feel free to get in touch at and the team will help move your data over.

Does it cost more?

ithinki offers a far more affordable, predictable pricing plan than Canny where you can track as many users as possible on all tiers with no additional cost. You also have the option of signing up on ithinki’s free tier, whereas Canny only offers paid options.

What extra will I get?

ithinki offers the ability to gather feedback from anonymous users, which is the biggest reason people choose us over our competitors. There is also far more customization available on ithinki, meaning your users will feel as though they are on your site. You gain fine-grained control over what is publicly viewable vs what is only available to your team; allowing internal feedback and discussions on the customer facing board. Additionally, there are controls in place to de-duplicate similar feedback items, and powerful tags/filters to help you manage your board, that are missing on Canny.

Any drawbacks?

Canny offers integrations allowing you to gather feedback from a few sources which ithinki does not yet offer.

However, we are a fast-moving early stage startup so let us know your thoughts on and there’s a good chance we’ll develop features you request!

ithinki vs UserVoice

How difficult is it to switch?

Getting started only takes 60 seconds.

We don’t yet have an integration for UserVoice but feel free to get in touch at and the team will help move your data over.

Does it cost more?

UserVoice only offers enterprise sized pricing plans that require you to contact their sales team to discuss pricing. ithinki, on the other hand, offers both a free tier and a predictable, affordable paid plan.

What extra will I get?

ithinki offers the ability to gather feedback from anonymous users, which is the biggest reason people choose us over our competitors. There is also far more customization available on ithinki, meaning your users will feel as though they are on your site. You gain fine-grained control over what is publicly viewable vs what is only available to your team. UserVoice allows for internal discussions on items but does not provide the ability to keep certain items and lanes private. Additionally, there are controls in place to de-duplicate similar feedback items, and powerful tags/filters to help you manage your board, that are missing on UserVoice.

Any drawbacks?

UserVoice offers integrations allowing you to gather feedback from a few sources which ithinki does not yet offer.

However, we are a fast-moving early stage startup so let us know your thoughts on and there’s a good chance we’ll develop features you request!

ithinki vs Discourse

How difficult is it to switch?

Getting started only takes 60 seconds.

We don’t yet have an integration for Discourse but feel free to get in touch at and the team will help move your data over.

Does it cost more?

ithinki is considerably cheaper than Discourse, with a simple and affordable pricing plan with fewer restrictions. For example, we don’t restrict page views on any of our plans, including our free forever tier. However, Discourse is open sourced so you are able to host it yourself for free, although not all companies have the option/ability to do so.

What extra will I get?

ithinki offers the ability to gather feedback from anonymous users, which is the biggest reason people choose us over our competitors. There is also far more customization available on ithinki, meaning your users will feel as though they are on your site. You gain fine-grained control over what is publicly viewable vs what is only available to your team; allowing internal feedback and discussions on the customer facing board. Additionally, there are controls in place to de-duplicate similar feedback items.

Any drawbacks?

ithinki is in its early days so there is some functionality missing that you’ll see on Discourse. We do not yet offer things like single sign-on, integrations and two-factor authentication.

However, we are a fast-moving early stage startup so let us know your thoughts on and there’s a good chance we’ll develop features you request!

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Leah Topchik Cohen
Editor for

CTO @ School of SOS and advocate for Women in Tech