Political Life is a Drag

Jessica Compton
Itinerant Thoughts
Published in
3 min readMay 3, 2018

“Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player

That struts and frets his hour upon the stage

And then is heard no more. It is a tale

Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,

Signifying nothing.” — Macbeth, Act 5, Scene 5, Page 2.

The US political community and US politics in general are both completely confusing and toxic. So I keep my distance politically. Still interested but not interested in being hounded or bullied. It is so depressing. I should not let it affect my feelings towards the rest of the world, but ambivalence is all I feel towards humanity. On the bright side, I have no interest in personalities.

This might have something to do with how one usually approaches politics. For me, politics is about basic survival and camaraderie. But it would appear the liberal centrists have spoken and deemed these things cultish and too extreme. So I guess when the time comes, I will need to have a will ready and find a quiet place to die. After all, there are not too many options for redress that liberals have not already deemed … unsightly.

I cannot focus on what I love and focus on “saving the world.” I cannot continue to try playing nice, nice with people who find my existence inconsequential, yet still clamour for my vote and support. I’m sorry. Politics is a life or death deal. Asking me to break with my principles and beliefs for concessions, piecemeal reforms, and empty promises will not drag me to the polls or even grab my interest. I might as well be told to go hell, which was what a few liberals have told me after the 2016 general election, despite the fact that I never voted for Trump and never trusted the guy.

This may seem like a contradiction (aloof one moment, interested the next), but what can I say? I’m tired of everything, including life. You humans and your foolish rules, culture, and beliefs are very much responsible. I have no choice but to pay attention while constantly praying and pleading, “Please! Don’t destroy me or my family!”

I do not care about money. I do not care about career. I do not care about geopolitical boundaries or states. I do not care about JOBS. I do not care for politics. Except for the fact these things are coerced, what I meant to say is, I would not care for them if there were any other way.

But I am drained! Opportunities are dwindling, and quite frankly it is intractable for me to see the human world and what is considered as “civilization” in any other way except as a grievous mistake.

I saw through the bullshit long ago, but I thought, “Surely, humans would not waste their lives on this if it were not important.” Alas! They do! When it’s about ego, vanity, or being a hero, leaving some legacy behind to be remembered, people do engage in unimportant bullshit. While the rest of us who burnt ourselves out trying to care are left wondering, “Where did it all go wrong?” That said, let me tell you what I do care about.

I care about community. I care about belonging. I care for the activities which give me purpose and joy. I care for those who I share experiences with, people I can relate to. I care for people who, as I do, try to figure our wonky world out while pondering a better outcome. I tell you what! I also care for a good laugh. Heck! I guess I’m human after all.



Jessica Compton
Itinerant Thoughts

Always finding myself in a liminal state, a stranger in a strange land. I am a dabbler, a dreamer, and a thinker. Totes support the LGBTQIA+. Computer Scientist