Jessica Compton
Itinerant Thoughts
Published in
1 min readMar 23, 2017


Trans* people are often disrespected and mocked for daring to ask others for a little respect, especially when being addressed. The main excuse is something along the lines that trans* people and health experts “invented” the condition, invented gender. Yet people of status, of position, and of the service are nothing but societal inventions, a contrivance for people to GET attention and be recognized as MORE than the person they were from birth. Somehow, these people are afforded more respect for being “special” than the average citizen. Yet trans* people are afforded no respect by some for the exact same reason.



Jessica Compton
Itinerant Thoughts

Always finding myself in a liminal state, a stranger in a strange land. I am a dabbler, a dreamer, and a thinker. Totes support the LGBTQIA+. Computer Scientist