Understanding How the Manosphere Views Women

Jessica Compton
Itinerant Thoughts
Published in
9 min readOct 13, 2016

I have spent more time than necessary viewing content from these people. To spare any of my readers the pain of perusing and sifting through what can be summarized as the internet equivalent of discovering a ball of rock snot or a burst condom along a popular crosswalk, I have provided some useful and comical materials to crystallize in your mind just who you might be dealing with.

The popular pastime many disgruntled men and, oddly enough, some women is framing young, disgruntled men as “victims” and every little perceived malfeasance against men as the fault of feminism and the woman. You can identify them by their buzzwords and how they deflect criticism against their viewpoints by attacking the messenger’s character.

This video on “Virtue Signaling” by H.Bomberguy is a funny and brilliant critique of the neo-reactionary arguing style.

Some have accused H.Bomberguy of conflating MRAs with PUAs. One concerned commenter replied, “ but still you could explained it better.” I will provide what the nuanced difference actually is.

As far as I can tell from their ramblings, MRAs and even MGTOWs view women comically as this.

What MRAs and MGTOWs see women from what I can tell.

Other people within the MRA/manosphere, such as PUAs, view women as pieces of meat or furniture, kinda like how Mr. Trump views women.

When these guys are not talking about how stupid women are, yet strangely cunning and world dominating, they talk about women as if they are this but should be more like this.

Below is a kind of transhumanist MGTOW meme showing in some small way that this is not hyperbole.

To learn more about what goes on inside the minds of those denizens of the manosphere and since many of them are gamers/armchair-philosophers/armchair-pundits, you should see this video.

I swear to you this is what they spend their free-time labouring over.

I have been seeing a lot of these people on Medium spamming men and women who speak in earnest about men’s issues with typical vitriol found in some of the darker corners of the web. They even hound women speaking out against examples of sexual harassment and befuddling, masculine corporate hierarchies and culture.

Some claim to be outsiders who “understand” these angry men and how they are so “demonized.” In print, they voiced their support for men calling for a guy’s dick to be cut off because he dared to defend women and challenge, in a cliched way, the over-the-top sexist humour his fellowman engages in. Going back to the original usage of “virtue signaling,” we can see their “understanding” of men’s anger, within the context of the MRA’s “understanding” of the “issues,” is just a way to disguise their hatred for feminism. They give the game away almost immediately when challenged, swearing their critics are “infected” with feminist thought and ideology. It amazes me how these people attempt to put on airs feigning academic credentials after using such terminology as “Cultural Marxism,” “Regressive Leftist” (the new substitute for cultural Marxist), and “Gender Fascism.” They then have the audacity to claim the angry taunts from these disaffected men are “tame” and “thoughtful” compared to those alleged “feminists” with their disagreements.

I am just trying to put the pieces together and give a face to the popular insanity of our time.

Additional Information:

I thought I would be done with this. But the MRA world continues to find new ways to disgust good, honest people. Forbes had an article about husbands using domestic violence laws and other legal traps to harm their spouses. To be clear, this goes both ways, but I cannot help but think MRAs and others from the Manosphere helped men do this to their wives with their “men are victims” rhetoric. They basically provide how-to victim manuals to assholes.

The comments were mostly disgusting pandering and MRA talking-points. They seem to have no compunction for the potential harm they cause to anyone outside their little circle. They even exclaimed with ghoulish delight and imagined painful bleating that women were finally getting their comeuppance.

A couple of persons voiced their dissent of the senseless cries, wailing, and gnashing of teeth by MRAs but were quickly drowned out by more of the same.

In response to one commentor among many maligning women as the primary abusers, Briggite attempts to set him straight with her own story.

Which facts are backwards? DV is a weapon… and it was used against me, by a man, for the sake of him “making out in the divorce”.

I’m a woman who dated my ex for 5 years, then was engaged for one… our marriage ended in less than one year.

The reason? He became abusive AFTER marriage. Initially it was verbal… followed by threats… followed by threats accompanied with outbursts that would involve breaking doors, glasses, etc… followed by final physical and one-sided physical attack (I couldn’t call the cops the night it happened -as he confiscated my cell phone and we had no land line … and he would not let me out of the home). The following day I wanted to discuss a divorce since the violence was escalating and he was unwilling to discuss why he was becoming violent.

He avoided the home for a couple weeks ~ coming home really late/leaving early and refusing to have a conversation about the next step. AND… I WAS NOT coming to him with anger, but with exhaustion and fear of what may happen to me if this was not handled.

Finally he acknowledged me… spoke to me (for the first time in weeks, in person) … and said he’d be gone for the weekend to “work things out in his head”. He came home from his vacation and in front of me, packed his bags without word of what was happening or where he was going. After a few days of “abandonment” I receive a Domestic of Protective Violence Order against me for harassment (ie, numerous texts sent by me asking him what was going on… keep in mind there’s a lot I must leave out that makes it all the more unbelievable for him to not respond).

You are ALWAYS pushed to take a deal if you are the ACCUSED. Because they need even less evidence than explained in the above article for the ACCUSER to get away with winning. Within less than FIVE BUSINESS DAYS I had to FIND an attorney; COME UP WITH thousands of dollars that I did not have in MY bank account to pay for an attorney, (my ex insisted I quit my job and finish school right before marriage — so the prior six years when we were unmarried I paid for half of all bills, mortgage, etc) I had access to nothing else; SPEAK to the said attorney (you can’t expect a good one to be available for litigation with less than five days notice… AND have time to go over EVIDENCE and your case). Which I had — yet it was not used as my attorney was not (for obvious reasons) prepared to go in front of a judge.

I took a “deal” because my lawyer told me she would not take the case in front of the judge b/c of the lack of preparation and told me that an outcome with “no findings of fact” was not that big of a deal. I did not agree, but I did not want someone ill-prepared representing me. She said if I didn’t take the “deal” I would (due to her lack of preparation… if I “lost”) be evicted from my home of four years THAT DAY. I had nowhere to move (no plans yet, obviously I was blind-sided)…

AND this was during college finals and I was horribly ill due to an ectopic pregnancy. After the “deal” I had five days to find a place to live and get what I could from the home. It’s been a huge financial burden. Did I mention I was in college full-time and wasn’t working at the time… and my EX TURNED DOWN job offers on my behalf (without my approval). I would also like to say that the few semesters I was taking/going to take was in a field that is growing; starts at a high salary and quickly jumps to an incredibly high salary. So, I would like to be clear about why I was not working DURING the marriage — and, again, it was HIS SUGGESTION as well as something I wanted to do.

Perhaps the focus of the article was wrong.

The truth is men have legal advantages!!! Money. Many men on this post complain that men get financially screwed during the divorce process… I don’t think it’s okay for anyone to be taken advantage of. But if men are going to whine about money, please know that it goes both ways. You can’t use your own personal bubble of experiences to make claims against how one sex is being taken advantage of.

If I had access to the money my ex did then I could fight back. But, I don’t.

I think what SHOULD be taken from this article is that YOU can be a VICTIM of Domestic Violence and your husband OR wife can ALSO further abuse you by simply using this tactic. It is won by the ACCUSER very easily.

The point: WOMEN are NOT winning! PEOPLE (MEN or women) who are willing to perjure themselves and have no moral code ARE WINNING!!

It boils down to the fact that this is legislation ABUSERS ABUSE!!!! And I suppose one of the author’s mistakes was not to be clear that he may have presumed that it’s a well-known fact that there are substantially far more cases of domestic violence that end with women as the victim. One of the factors is that men don’t report it as often — and that’s unfortunate. What’s more disturbing is my father was abused by my mother … I always tried to get him to call the cops on her (in attempt to make her stop) and he wouldn’t. Which makes be accused of something that you find so VILE yourself all the more painful.

So, I am not a man-hater. I am aware of what awful things can be done to men or women. But I do have a problem with low morals and no dignity.

Please don’t pretend you value human rights. You are likely a source my ex used to figure out how to “get out” of getting in trouble for abandonment through the power of abusing the legal system.

Good for you.

One person listed his website, Fathers And Families, while talking about more male victimization in family courts, etc.

Josh M responds:

Masintenn, I find your web site very millitant and anti-women. None of this would be an issue if you would man up. Lets face it, in todays society men still have a legal advantage over women, and unfortunatly use it to their advantage.

Justin Guzman encapsulates the entire popular MRA mindset in his response here:

Women have all legal advantages over men. There is no law that gives men the advantage. You are a deluded man if you really think you have any legal advantage over a woman in any court for anything. You have less legal rights to your children, you have less defense from false allegations, you have less defense in a rape by a woman, you will be punished more severely for committing the same crimes under similar circumstances, you have less reproductive rights…. wake up.

Gas-lighting one’s opposition is such a great way to prove a point, is it not? If someone you do not agree with speaks up, do not present evidence or calm, rational arguments. All you have to do is call the other side delusional and proceed to whine about being a victim of the legal system, while indirectly blaming women for the whole shebang.

It does not seem to matter to these people if they are horribly mistaken about their accusations against women and feminists or if their “statistical findings” are absolute bollocks. They want it to be true. They want to create the perception publicly and use this as the new language to cloak crimes committed by men against both men and women as some kind of new “social justice.”



Jessica Compton
Itinerant Thoughts

Always finding myself in a liminal state, a stranger in a strange land. I am a dabbler, a dreamer, and a thinker. Totes support the LGBTQIA+. Computer Scientist