BENIVO ARMENIA: The Story and Interesting Facts


Benivo is a UK based start-up that provides affordable and cost-efficient relocation services throughout UK and Europe with its technological solutions.

MISSION: Make Every Employee welcome!:)

The story of Benivo began when Nitzan Yudan — the founder of Benivo (formerly FlatClub) was looking for a way to spend a good vacation with his wife. Then he was living in London and studying at London Business School.

Nitzan had a very limited budget for the vacation and this made him to think about renting out their apartment. Here is where his university network helped him out and he found a trustful person to rent out the apartment, thus his wife and he managed to take a good vacation.

Nitzan liked the idea of renting out apartments to trusted people, and he started to promote it within his network using just a simple Excel file.

Day by day the number of people in the trusted circle has grown and he hired developers who created a simple web page where people could find flats for affordable prices from trusted people for a medium-term stay.

Not everything in the story of the company went that smooth. Then AirBnB came in killing companies around but not FlatClub. FlatClub (now Benivo) managed to approach HR people in many large and small companies and offer a very cost-efficient relocation services for their employees — helping to find affordable accommodation, providing social insights regarding the new city, eventually making those people feel welcome at their new job. This is how the story began.

How Benivo Established Its Development Office in Armenia

Nitzan, the founder of Benivo, hired an outstanding developer through his same amazing network (where he actually had Armenians as well). The developer, a young and very smart lady, demonstrated outstanding performance for 2 months — something that the company have not experienced before working with developers in China, Ukraine and elsewhere. Just in 2 years FlatClub grew from 4 team members to 25 and now Benivo team are proud of their product that helps large corporations like Google, Vodafone, Bloomberg, Hertz and others to relocate their employees throughout Europe.

FACTS about Benivo


COMPANY GOALS: Currently the company is occupying a unique niche in European relocation market providing low cost relocation services via its technology.

KEY TO SUCCESS: Never stop towards even 50 “No”-s in a row, sometimes even more.

DISTINCTIVE FEATURE: At Benivo they believe people should find the best company for them and maybe that’s why Benivo is not for everyone. What is for sure is that here you will find people who like their job, who want to learn and develop themselves and are motivated by doing meaningful work that contributes to the company’s success and mission — To make every employee welcome.

EMPLOYEE PROFILE: Benivo employees are the company’s greatest asset; therefore, they select the team based on rigorous criteria. They look for professional as well as personal qualities, but at Benivo they value candidates that are team players, hard working and professional.

© Benivo


VALUES: Be innovative,
Be accessible,
Have no borders,
Be customer focused,
Be results driven,
And be a team!

3 WORDS THAT DESCRIBE BENIVO: Every Employee is Welcome! Well, it’s 4. :)

COMPANY BENEFITS: Benivo offers a number of benefits to its employees including medical insurance, company shares, professional trainings, flexible package of benefits, and more.

Check out all the vacancies at Benivo here.

