DEVELANDOO: The Story and Interesting Facts

Develandoo is an Artificial Intelligence Innovation Lab, specialized in building early-stage companies. The Republic of Armenia was the first destination from where their journey began. It all started in 2014 with a group of friends-enthusiasts who had the idea to create a value-based company which would gather a team of bright minds and would offer innovative and creative solutions to the customers. The idea was a good one but not so easy as it might seem, especially when they started having 3 people in the team.

But high motivation, hard work and unyielding determination to make a difference in their country and become one of the leading companies brought them beyond the borders. They saw that the game-changing solutions and the innovative models they offer are becoming popular also abroad. In the first few years of business, Develandoo went from one location to many operating globally with branches in Yerevan, Los Angeles, and Munich where it moved its head office.


Develandoo is created with 2 innovative models- ITaaS and CBaaS. In the ITaaS (Innovation Team as a Service) model, DVLD helps companies understand their data and create new revenue using Artificial Intelligence. They work with corporate innovation departments and CIO-s as engineering partners and support them with Artificial Intelligence strategy, roadmap, and end-to-end solutions’ implementation. In the CBaaS (Company Building as a Service) model, they work with early-stage companies by providing all of their engineering needs to reach product milestones. DVLD acts as a co-founder that invest time and sometimes capital. They are generally compensated for their CBaaS services by a combination of cash fees, revenue share, exclusive integration partnership, and equity. This model was immediately adopted by several well-known companies such as Atomico, MoneyPark, Kichink, WeLocalize and many more.


If you ever decide to visit them or go for an interview, a very welcoming person with a kind smile will open the door and let you in only after a decent handshake :) It’s DVLD HR manager. Then you’ll see their open space office and their engineering team with whom you may work later. You’ll never see a person here passing by without smiling to a newcomer and saying hi. This is a usual attitude. And what makes this team unique is the very attitude; attitude towards each other, towards the company and work responsibilities, attitude towards the company goals and company mission as everyone who joins their team knows from where this company came, where it is now and where it’s going to.


COMPANY GOALS: To go public in Nasdaq by 2022 and support the growth of DVLD main products: ITS (Intelligent traffic system), Protogen, Scylla.

KEY TO SUCCESS: They just love what they do and it’s of utmost importance to organize the work the way that their customers also like it. They learned how to unite efforts and resources to reach quality-based cooperation with the partners. And what’s more important they succeeded in creating a team of real enthusiasts without whom all of this wouldn’t simply exist. They believe that the company should persistently work on the maintenance and further improvement of company culture to always keep team’s spirits high.

COMPANY MISSION: To make Armenia even stronger by creating game-changing AI solutions in the areas of Banking, Insurance, Telecommunications, and Defense. They believe that Armenia can have its unique place in the development of Artificial Intelligence, helping it realize its full potential.

EMPLOYEE PROFILE: Develandoo makes a careful and reasonable choice of employees as everyone here uniquely contributes to the company development and should be fit in with the company culture. For them, the perfect employee has the following characteristic features:

© Develandoo
  • a good specialist, not perfect, as they do their best to ensure DVLD employees’ growth
  • team-oriented, as the team achieves success together
  • motivated, no way without this
  • supportive and creative
  • open to constructive criticism
  • dynamic and initiative
  • caring about the company as at Develandoo they want the employee to sincerely speak about the issues he/she sees inside the company and work together to solve them.

COMPANY CHALLENGES: Part of the company culture is to invest into motivated/ambitious people, and this is very difficult to find. They want people to take ownership and grow with them. Another challenge is bringing lots of attention to the Armenian market and build a trust around it.

3WORDS THAT DESCRIBE DEVELANDOO: AI Innovation, challenge, change.

© Develandoo

DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: They do not only want to create a company culture, that’s already a must for everyone, but they want to enable DVLD employees to grow and grow fast as they believe in ambitious people.

COMPANY BENEFITS: Develandoo offers many different benefits as technical Library, weekly technical training, playground to relax, English or German courses, beer party every Friday, relocation, but above all they simply have a warm atmosphere, welcoming and supportive teammates who have the feeling of belonging to the company and the entire team.

MORE INFO YOU NEED TO KNOW: Develandoo is in the top 10 highly recommended B2B companies in Germany by company Clutch.

In 2018 Develandoo came up with the idea to organize an AI summit in Munich which was the first in its kind in that area. As a result, the summit had 300+ participants, 16 speakers, 4 practical workshops and great engagement from participants at the event. Initial registration for Munich-AI summit 2019 is already open on the meetup page:

In 2018 DVLD product SCYLLA — a real-time violence detection system, joins Startupbootcamp Smart City & IoT, the leading global startup accelerator program focusing on wider Smart City Industry.

Check out the vacancies of Develandoo here.

