3 years at Quipu: my lessons

Roger Dobaño
Published in
3 min readJul 9, 2016

Dog years

As someone said, startups years are just like dog years.
So, 3 years might feel to be 21: you definitely have to assimilate fast and time is precious if you want to test and validate ideas.

In 3 years we’ve been invested 2 times and we are preparing a new one.
We built a great product from scratch and it gets better every day!
We’ve found profitable targets and we are experiencing some exciting new ones!
We became relevant players and we built a blog that is already a reference.
We also failed many times but we’ve just learned to deal with it.

“Everyone can do business in Internet” — the biggest lie ever.

The only fact is that entrance barriers are very low, but in the end, like any business you need money. And if you really want to build something notorious, you need to do relevant stuff, and stuff consume resources.

“The more stuff you make, the more good stuff you’ll make.”

Every extra dollar allows you to grow. Return can be better or worst but the only truth is that with an extra dollar you will grow (at least) a little bit more. This seems something obvious, but is not.

Build your team

The most important thing is to build an A-Team.
I need people around, much better than me. Better in marketing, better in sales, better managers, more skilled. Assume fast is not just about dealing with daily issues, is to learn as fast as possible from fabulous people.

And this is not (just) about seniority. Is about filling the blanks in your company with some skills that someone in your team is able to deal with it better than no one else.

Oh, by the way, you have to build a C-Team as well!

Love (and manage) your team

Nowadays I definitely don’t DO anything: I just try to empower my team.
I tell people that I will do many things but at the end is the people of my team that make them happen.

I try to provide appropriate — both professional and emotional — conditions to allow my team work as better as possible given scarcity.

That’s why I spend most of the time looking for people that will make Quipu grow so as managing and motivating my current team. Making them proud and happy to work with us.

Focus, please.

Because everything goes so fast, you have to be aware all the time where to put the focus on.
Time is scarce and you should focus on the REAL important things. I must avoid the “task-dealing” job.

At the end is all about guessing where to put the focus on

Your role changes every month and you should understand it, and act consequently.
You must assume that although you start doing every task into the company and you end up stop doing none of them.

Balance your emotions

People asks me, which is the most complicated thing you face? And definitely the most complicated thing is to balance my emotions.

You will face joy and disappointment: enjoy it.

Sometimes you’re the dog; sometimes you’re the hydrant. Try to balance it and always go ahead, there are lot of opportunities to reach.

For the last 3 years I’ve dedicated my whole life to Quipu and although some times is too much frenetic is worryingly addictive.



Roger Dobaño
Editor for

Founder and CEO at @getquipu. Sharing info related to startups, management and cultural issues. Handball, travel and Albania addict.