What Javascript Framework To Choose? React? Angular 2? Ember? (Meteor)

Published in
1 min readDec 19, 2016
From the left: Silvia, Raul, Phillip and Pau.

Javascript Frameworks is a hot topic among most developers, not only because there are increasingly many good frameworks, but that many of them have incredibly hardcore fans.

We took the three frameworks we believe are the three most discussed ones these days (+ meteor), and challenged four experienced developers and CTO’s in Barcelona to discuss them together with us.

The defenders were:

React: Pau is the CTO of Factorial and former CTO of Redbooth.

Angular 2: Raul Jimenez CEO at Byte Default and Google Developer Expert.

Meteor: Sílvia Mur Senior front-end developer @ Typeform and co-organizer of AdaJS.

Ember: Philip De Smedt Co-Founder & CTO @ INTUO.

If you like the debate, take a look at our other events here.

It was clearly a topic many developers cared about, as we run out of chairs at itnig during the debate.



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