Why You Should Be Working in IT

Megan Sharpe
Published in
3 min readJun 20, 2018

With today’s high saturation of technology, any business worth its salt uses a computer or network of computers to run its business operations and store important information on. This is great for businesses, as computers provide a more efficient, secure and reliable way to manage their business. This is also great for technologically minded job seekers, as this prevalence creates high demand for people who can work with and manage these computer systems.

If you want to pursue a career that is not industry specific — giving you the freedom to choose where you want to apply your skills — then IT will definitely interest you. Whether the business is a large corporation or a small local business, there will always be demand for IT professionals in some capacity. This gives you the option to choose which industry you would like to contribute to, rather than getting locked into a certain field based on your degree.

Not just a desk job
When undertaken as a career, IT is rarely a position that becomes stagnant. There are many facets to maintaining an information system — it’s not all about hardware! A business’s operating systems and software must be kept operational and up to date, hardware and network infrastructure must be maintained, as well as the security systems being monitored and the business’s e-commerce system kept running smoothly. If you enjoy a healthy challenge in your work, then working in IT may suit you perfectly. It’s about more than just technical skills — your problem-solving abilities will be tested, as well as your ability to think creatively and pursue problems until they have been effectively dealt with. These qualities make for challenging and rewarding work, with the opportunity for you to push yourself and test your skills.

Easily gain IT skills
Another advantage of a career in IT is that training is readily available. Online training is becoming increasingly more popular for many subjects, with IT being one of the most in-demand by students. There is a wide selection of IT related courses on the market today, from well-respected training providers such as CompTIA and Cisco. These can be easily studied at your own time and in an environment of your choosing. The certifications that these online courses can grant you are equally as respected as those gained from on-site classroom training.

Keep up with the industry
Not only is information technology continuously growing as a career field, but it is advancing and evolving exponentially as a service and a resource. This not only benefits us as users but also presents the opportunity for those in the IT field to pick up new skills as they become in-demand. Many organisations find that they have new roles emerging within their operations, but lack the employees with the skills to fill these roles. This presents the perfect opportunity for you if you are willing to learn and wish to broaden your skill set.

IT means job security
All of these qualities point towards IT being a truly future-proof career choice. With plenty of room to grow and to hone your skills in the specific specialisation that you prefer, IT as a career can keep up with you and with the industry as it evolves and expands. As well as acquiring new skills, there will be plenty of opportunities to excel in the role you occupy, with your organisation presenting you with new challenges to tackle as your career progresses. A basis in IT will also assist you if you choose to pursue other careers in the future, such as programming, software development or web development.
Tech Nation’s 2018 report states that the world of tech is expanding 2.6 times faster than the rest of the UK economy, with the digital tech sector being worth £184 billion — compared to £170 billion in 2016.

If you work in information technology then you can rest assured that your position is highly unlikely to be fulfilled by an automated robot in the future — because you’ll have to be around to maintain and build those robots.

