New Careers for Renaissance Woman (or Man)

How new, hybrid, careers could be just the job for those with a variety of skills

Angela Ashcroft
3 min readJun 3, 2019


Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

I was reading a really interesting article recently by Frederike Schmitz about hybrid jobs and the different skills needed in different areas of science. This got me thinking about my own role and how all the different experiences in my life have lead me here. Now I’m not suggesting I came to this job fully formed. Since I started nine months ago, the learning curve has been incredible.

Have I enjoyed it though? Oh yes, if not every minute, then not far off.

Dealing with conversations for voice assistants isn’t something I’d done before, but I do have experience in scriptwriting. I have experience in the spoken word and presenting as a Lay Preacher and an English teacher. I have experience in dealing with a wide range of people from visiting the bereaved, encouraging a young person to stick with English literacy, to teaching martial arts to all ages and all backgrounds. All of these skills have come in handy, along with a ridiculous interest in new technology and a constant desire to acquire new skills.

Since starting my job, I have delved into social psychology, linguistics, a very basic level of coding, an understanding of how to build skills on AWS, as well as how to speak IT department jargon and I’m sure there’s at least as much again to learn. I have read a zillion (it feels like) articles this weekend on best practice in dealing with errors with voice and how users react to the different ways a skill can respond. The fact that doing all this studying could have a real impact on how much users enjoy or find the skill useful, is amazing.

Photo by Steinar Engeland on Unsplash

Why am I giving you my career in a potted history? Well, Schmitz’ article inspired me to think that maybe there is a wide variety of careers out there that people might have never heard of; roles that might fit the personality of the renaissance man/woman or multipotentialite as Emilie Wapnick might call us. I’m sure there are many people out there that have a CV showing, not one long specialism, but a head first, deep dive into a variety of roles.

I know some people enjoy the stability of knowing roughly what’s going to meet them when they go to work. But I’m sure there are many people, like me, who love the variety, the challenge of learning new things, the perpetual student who constantly bores their children with, did you know… or, I read a study on… A hybrid job might just fit the bill.

Photo by JOSHUA COLEMAN on Unsplash

If you’re in one of those roles, or have been, or you work alongside someone who’s role requires them to be renaissance man or woman, please do share it. Write a little something to tell us all about the variety of hats they, or you, have to wear. It could inspire more people to be proud of a diverse career, find a niche for their skill set, or even match the people with their ideal role. Share your knowledge, you never know which renaissance man or woman you might inspire.

