Travel Eases Transition

itravelar Magazine Editors
itravelar Magazine
Published in
3 min readSep 20, 2020


Life has it’s seasons and in many ways we are never really given a headsup when the next is up at our door steps and when we are at this limbo we need a clear head to see the next.

It can be a transition from one lifestyle to another, changing jobs, addition of responsibilities in your life, new commitment or just move to a new city. Travel has a way of easing this transition.

If what you are experiencing is very personal like quitting a job, ending a relationship, changing careers, making decision on starting a family etc, travel can be a great self-discovery tool and a great way to clear your mind and give you a chance to get in your new season with a clean slate.

Andre Gide once said:

“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.”

The period of travel between seasons creates a divider between the presence and the future, gives you a room to look at what has been and what will be from a less biased point of view.

Some other seasons that travel helps create a great clear cloud environment and eases transition are:

Graduating and Starting a Career:

Starting a Family: Starting a family whether as a couple or as a single parent is not a decision one comes into lightly and most take times to invest for that future before it arrives. Travel allows you to embrace your being and open your heart to the new season, evaluating your future and embracing the possibilities of the coming future.

Getting Married: In the whirlwind of being in love and tying a know with the love of your life, you just want to spend enough time, each second you can before life starts to throw in new gifts. Travel to your own little haven nest allows you both to feel and experience each other to the fullest.

Unsure of the next step: You are wondering what your life has come to, why you are doing what you are doing and maybe you have just already decided you need to move, what direction? You really don’t care but staying where you are is not an option. Travel cleans your slates clean that you can rethink your life and realise what may be the next step for you.

How Travel Can Be Great For you During This Time of Your Life:

Allows you to dream: Nothing is worse in a human’s life like stoping to dream about the future, losing hope and losing sight of what may be. Travel creates an environment to do that by taking you out of what is and giving you a breathing room to see new possibilities.

Allows you to evaluate: Life moves very fast, each second comes with it’s own full plates and sometimes we lose the sight of what is important and the best way to notice that is having time to evaluate our lives. Travel creates a room for you to evaluate each aspect of your life and recognizing what you should take to the next season and what needs to remain behind.

Allows you to experince: Sometimes we just don’t even understand what we are feeling and experiencing at these stages in our lives, we get in “get-it-together” mode all the times because it seems we just can’t afford to do so. Travelling creates a room for your heart and spirit to feel everything that you are and have been experiencing in the ending season and the excitement of the next.

Traveling allows your body, mid and spirit to divorce what was and embrace what may be and what will be.

You don’t need to worry where you need to travel to ( traveling out of the country is not the only option). Going for a weekend getaway to another region, county or just city can do the same trick, just make sure to completely disconnect and be with yourself wholeheartedly.



itravelar Magazine Editors
itravelar Magazine

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