DevOps Enterprise Review #9

Gene’s links, DevOps resources, industry musings, & more

#DOES19 Las Vegas
IT Revolution


Hello, DevOps Enterprise Summit (DOES) Community!

In the ninth edition of the DevOps Enterprise Review, we continue spotlighting the insights from many of the leading IT practitioners and subject matter experts in DevOps who are pioneering the philosophies and practices that work (and conversely, which to avoid.)

If this is your first time reading our bi-monthly periodical, the purpose of the DevOps Enterprise Review (otherwise known as the “DOER”) is to serve as a hub of periodicals, resources and helpful information to help technology leaders advance the enterprise IT transformation patterns for all to benefit.

Below, you will discover links to riveting interviews, eye-popping statistics, and humorous stories. You will get access to new ideas, like how to learn from the fire department for mastering outages with incident commands for DevOps. And, you will gain multiple perspectives on how to expand the pockets of DevOps greatness within your organization horizontally across a large, complex enterprise.

You will also read how more and more companies are becoming DevOps converts, in addition to why DevOps is more popular now than ever. There are several book publishing updates for anyone looking to stay cool and keep their eyes busy over the dog days of summer.

For anyone that was not able to join us in London, we posted the latest videos and slide decks from the DevOps Enterprise Summit in June, and point to what speakers you’ll need to be on the lookout for in Las Vegas later this year!

If there was anything we missed or that you want to call out for the next edition of the DOER, please send us your ideas in the comments section below.

Enjoy reading and we look forward to hearing from you!

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Gene’s Links

(Note: all posts sourced from Gene’s Twitter feed, @RealGeneKim)

DevOps Resources — Learn and Grow, Together

Want more frequent updates on DevOps Resources? Be sure to check the IT Revolution DevOps Blog for regular updates!

Mastering Outages With Incident Command For DevOps: Learning From The Fire Department

This post is an excerpt from a presentation by Brent Chapman, Principal at Great Circle Associates, titled “Mastering Outages with Incident Command for DevOps: Learning from the Fire Department.”

You can watch the video of the presentation, which was originally delivered at the 2018 DevOps Enterprise Summit in Las Vegas.

Expanding Pockets of Greatness: Spreading DevOps Horizontally in Your Organization

How do you build momentum and go from a few islands of DevOps goodness to a tipping point where the entire organization embraces common DevOps methods? This paper provides guidance to leaders (change agents) who see DevOps activity in different teams, groups, or departments in their organization and are looking to build community and promote growth. This paper will help you connect the pockets of DevOps goodness that may already exist within your organization and harness them to drive change.

Authors: Josh Atwell, Carmen DeArdo, Jeff Gallimore, Thomas A. Limoncelli

The Phoenix Project, 5th Anniversary Edition

Five years after this sleeper hit took on the world of IT and flipped it on it’s head, the 5th Anniversary Edition of The Phoenix Project continues to guide IT in the DevOps revolution. In this newly updated and expanded edition of the bestselling The Phoenix Project, co-author Gene Kim includes a new afterword and a deeper delve into the Three Ways as described in The DevOps Handbook.

Bill, an IT manager at Parts Unlimited, has been tasked with taking on a project critical to the future of the business, code named Phoenix Project. But the project is massively over budget and behind schedule. The CEO demands Bill must fix the mess in ninety days or else Bill’s entire department will be outsourced.

With the help of a prospective board member and his mysterious philosophy of The Three Ways, Bill starts to see that IT work has more in common with a manufacturing plant work than he ever imagined. With the clock ticking, Bill must organize work flow streamline interdepartmental communications, and effectively serve the other business functions at Parts Unlimited.

In a fast-paced and entertaining style, three luminaries of the DevOps movement deliver a story that anyone who works in IT will recognize. Readers will not only learn how to improve their own IT organizations, they’ll never view IT the same way again.

Written by: Kevin Behr, George Spafford, Gene Kim

Industry News — Read All About It!

3 Reasons Why DevOps Is More Popular Than Ever — How popular is DevOps? More popular than ever, if Google Trends is to be believed. Here’s a look at how the popularity of DevOps has increased over time, and what has driven the change. (Source: Chris Tozzi,

3 DevOps roadblocks and how to beat them — When DevOps efforts prove slow going, it’s natural to want to find a quick fix to resolve the problem and move on. In some cases this works, like when one specific person or group just needs a little extra attention to get on board with your DevOps plans. However, leaders should be careful to not point fingers at individuals when the problems at hand are bigger than one person or team.

We asked experts to share their experience with three major roadblocks to DevOps transformation — and what to do about them. (Source: Carla Rudder, The Enterpriser’s Project)

What’s an infrastructure pro to do in a DevOps world? — By the time I had spent 20 years in infrastructure, I thought I knew how it all worked. Some new technology comes along and is introduced into your organization by an excitable and enthusiastic group that gets business or technical value out of it. Then it usually gets harder — to scale, maintain, or secure — so it gets handed over to the infrastructure team.

But then along came the cloud and DevOps, which changed the very concept of infrastructure. Instead of plugging tin together, or being the hands and eyes of the operation, we are now asked to build tools that are so clear and simple that an application team can use them without guidance. And we’re expected to find a way to deliver the necessary infrastructure without exposing the system passwords we guard.

That’s not who we thought we were. Fortunately, DevOps thinking is helping our teams find a way forward. (Source: Duncan Lawie, TechBeacon)

DOES London: Mark Schwartz on War & Peace & IT — Mark Schwartz, former CIO and self-described iconoclast, spoke recently at DevOps Enterprise Summit London. Schwartz is the author of three books published by IT Revolution: ‘The Art of Business Value’, ‘A Seat at the Table’ and ‘War & Peace & IT,’ and is currently an enterprise strategist at Amazon Web Services.

InfoQ had the opportunity to speak with Schwartz about his work. Schwartz explained that his three books are not sequels as such, but that each led naturally to the next as he continued to build on models for organisational agility. (Source: Helen Beal, InfoQ)

How Compuware shut off the waterfall approach to development and became a DevOps convert — A story of a new CEO coming into gently declining mainframe software tools producer Compuware, strapping a target to his chest for staff to aim at, and stopping a waterfall dead in its tracks. (Source: Martin Banks, Diginomica)

Reminders and Updates — Mark Your Calendars

Recapping DevOps Enterprise Summit London 2019

What a week in London! It was the largest European event we’ve ever hosted, which brought together more than 1,000 attendees to highlight the heroic DevOps transformation journeys of large, complex organizations.

We’re thrilled to report #DOES19 London created numerous learning opportunities from leading subject domain experts and provided a forum for attendees to network with one another each day of the event. Additionally, all of the presentation videos and slide decks from DevOps Enterprise Summit London 2019 are now available on-demand!

DOES19 Las Vegas Speakers Being Added

The programming committee for DevOps Enterprise Summit Las Vegas has announced the next round of speakers! We’re thrilled to have this renowned group of people join us for the upcoming event in October:

If you want to join the folks above and attend the event, you can register here before the event sells out. DOES19 takes place at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas from October 28–30.

2019 Book Publishing Update

Lots to get you updated on in this edition of the DOER as books continue to fill up our imaginations just as quickly as they are filling up your bookshelves. But, as Frank Zappa famously once said, “So many books, so little time.” We wish this wasn’t the case!

First things first, Zender CTO and IT Revolution author Patrick Debois has issued a call to the Twitterverse for signed copies of any/all DevOps books for the upcoming devopsdays Ghent event that started it all. Connect with Patrick directly if you would like to contribute or help!

At DevOps Enterprise Summit London in June, there was quite a flurry of activity and excitement as advance, preview copies of “The Unicorn Project” were distributed and being signed by Gene himself! Check out some of the photos from Twitter here.

Speaking of DevOps Enterprise Summit, Helen Beal — DevOpsologist from Ranger4 — caught up with Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais to ask them some questions about Team Topologies and Cognitive Load.

If you‘ve ever wanted to learn core concepts of Python effectively and quickly, look no further than Prateek Singh’s latest book, “PowerShell Guide to Python.” The book is designed in associative learning approach so that concepts stick with readers for a longer time and they can jump-start their Python programming journey. He is currently offering a special book bundle deal through Leanpub.

Thank you for reading the ninth edition of the DevOps Enterprise Review (DOER)! If you haven’t registered yet, we hope you decide to join us in Las Vegas this October to “Get Together and Go Faster!”

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#DOES19 Las Vegas
IT Revolution

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