Published in
6 min readAug 2, 2018


iTrue FAQ — A Blockchain for Your Everyday Internet

What is iTrue?

iTrue is a Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) solution that features a built-in authentication system with biometrics as its core microservice.

What main features does iTrue offer?

As a platform, iTrue provides an ecosystem wherein businesses and developers can authenticate their users, build their own blockchain network, and earn tokens from data exchange. Users can use the platform to conveniently and securely get authenticated, control how their data is used, and earn by sharing their personal data in a controlled manner.

  1. Unprecedented Privacy Control
    Biometric access means never having to memorize a password again, and never having to rely on a gadget like a smartphone or credit card. iTrue gives users full control and ownership of their data, which also enables businesses to build solutions and apps that comply with privacy regulations like GDPR.
  2. Opportunities to Build and Scale
    The iTrue Blockchain-as-a-Service provides building blocks that enable developers to more quickly design and deploy enterprise or consumer applications with turing completeness. This enables businesses to gain access to both turnkey solutions and developer-customized applications. iTrue’s new Stone Storage technology ensures speed, security, and accessibility by combining the benefits of blockchain and database.
  3. Income and Rewards from Data Sharing Economy
    iTrue is built around the ITU token economy, wherein users, businesses, developers, and data managers can earn income and rewards from secure and private sharing of information. To ensure privacy, all data sharing will still require user permission and notification.

What problems will iTrue solve?

iTrue addresses the growing demand for safe, efficient, and secure authentication systems, which is brought about by the rise of online financial products and innovative digital services like cashless payment systems.

Banks and fintechs are already exploring or implementing biometrics as a way to authenticate users and to reduce the risk of security breaches. Biometric technologies, however, do not give an assurance of secure and safe authentication on their own.

User data can easily be compromised or misused with improper handling. Users are thus concerned about how businesses are potentially collecting, using and profiting from their personal data.

Meanwhile, enterprises need a solution to de-risk their handling of data. Considering that storing data on-premises or on insecure centralized locations, any breach thereof can be detrimental to a business’ image.

iTrue, therefore, aims to address the following needs:

  • A convenient and secure way for users to get authenticated;
  • Enhanced user privacy, in line with regulations like the GDPR;
  • A way for both businesses and users to benefit from exchange of data;
  • A way for businesses to build their own blockchain networks with built-in security, privacy, and speedy performance.

What are its competitors and comparative advantages?

Our main focus is to make the best product and to accomplish our mission of empowering each individual to have control over their personal data, how it is used, and how to profit from it. Thus, we believe it is not in good taste to comment on other projects unless absolutely necessary.

Why is blockchain technology used in iTrue?

Blockchain provides a trustless, digital and decentralized method of generating cryptographically secure records, which also preserves the anonymity of its users and protects them from data theft.

Our technology goes beyond blockchain, however. Through a combination of blockchain and database technologies, users and businesses are assured of a robust and scalable infrastructure wherein their records are secure and safe from data theft or misappropriation. Our solution is designed for high speed and capacity, overcoming the limitations of current blockchain tech.

Where can I get support for iTrue?

You can email for direct and secure assistance.

When can I buy iTrue?

Private token sale will be held from 30th July and to 31st August.

Public Pre Sale will be held from 3rd September to 30th September.

When does the Token Sale end?

Token Sale ends on 16th December or until all available ITU tokens are sold out.

What are the Token Sale bonuses/discounts?

How can I buy iTrue tokens?

If you participated in the in the Presale Whitelist, you should have received an email from with instructions on how to complete KYC. The email will also provide instructions as to what you must do after KYC is approved.

The acquisition of ITU Tokens can be done in ETH (Ethereum), BTC (Bitcoin), LTC (Litecoin) only.

Steps for token sale participation are being setup now, and we will make an announcement once we have defined these steps.

Who can participate in the ICO?

Anyone except for the following: Non-accredited investors/contributors from the United States and residents of China are not allowed to participate.

What is the minimum and maximum during the sale?

Minimum payment is

US$ 100

Maximum payment within the first 7 days is

US$ 100,000

Maximum payment from day 8 is


What is the token supply amount?

There will be 8 Billion tokens generated.

What is the iTrue token?

ITU is an ERC20 based token that will be used as the native currency for the iTrue platform

What wallet should I use to participate?

Here is a list of ERC-20 compatible wallets:

DO NOT use an exchange wallet.

What is the token utility?

ITU tokens are used to pay for access to decentralized applications built on the iTrue platform, as well as access to data that users will make available through the Token Economy. DApps developers and microservices developers will get paid with ITU tokens when users or businesses use their turnkey solutions or request for customized applications.

I.e. an event planning agency pays with tokens to to get new targeted visitors contacts from iTrue platform for its new blockchain conference. Furthermore, an event planning agency pays with tokens for subscription to Biometric recognition service of iTrue platform to have breathtaking experience with hands-free verification of each visitor.

Visitors or Consumers have to give their consent to share personal data with an event planning agency or any other Business users of iTrue platform.
A software development company or individual developer pay with tokens for the use of microservices and Stone storage service of iTrue platform to build dApp with the option to read\write data and authenticate its users by face very fast.

When will iTrue be listed in exchanges?

It is on our plan to have iTrue be listed on exchanges but we believe that it is not appropriate to provide the estimated date for this topic, so please stay tuned for updates on iTrue developments.

What is the ITU token price?

The ITU Token will be priced at $0.01 USD per token.

Airdrop and Bounties

Airdrop Link:

Will you post a sheet to see if I am registered?

No, we will not post your information publicly. You will receive a copy of your application through email, which you can edit if needed.

When do I get my tokens?

You will receive your tokens either on the day after the Token Sale ends or once all available ITU tokens are sold out.

How many tokens do I get for the airdrop?

You can get from 160 up to 400 ITU tokens. Equivalent of $10

Does iTrue have any bounties?

Yes, iTrue will launch bounty campaign. Kindly stay tune for the bounty announcement

Can’t find your question here? Come and Join Us in our telegram channel!


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Self-Sovereign Biometric Identity for Decentralized Web