Over 100,000 $NXM /$wNXM staked with iTrust!

iTrust International
Published in
2 min readOct 20, 2021

Since our easy staking vaults opened up to $NXM and $wNXM holders back in June, we have had a tremendous response from the Nexus Mutual community.

Over 100,000 $NXM or $wNXM is now staked in either our Nexus Mutual Index Vault or Nexus Mutual Strategy Vault — a major milestone for the iTrust project which also increases cover capacity for Nexus Mutual!

Why should I stake my $wNXM or $NXM on app.itrust.finance ?

Nexus Mutants all over the world are currently benefiting from a slew of features and rewards which are quickly making iTrust the staking platform of choice for $NXM and $wNXM holders.

These include:

  • A simple 3-step staking process
  • A choice of 2 staking vaults, each with their own strategies, to suit the staker’s risk appetite
  • The security of knowing our Smart Contracts have passed a Zokyo Audit with flying colours, and that our smart contract risk-assessment processes have been confirmed by Smarter:Contracts to be of a High Standard
  • Automatic reward accrual — no more having to set yourself annoying phone reminders to claim
  • $wNXM and Shield Mining (when applicable) rewards distributed automatically every week
  • Additional iTrust Governance Token ($iTG) rewards on top of existing Nexus Mutual staking and shield mining rewards!
  • Easy unstaking and claiming process

You can connect to app.itrust.finance and connect your Metamask wallet to start staking your $NXM or $wNXM today. Here’s a quick step-by-step guide to help you through the process if you need it (though we’ve made the app really easy to use!)

Keep an eye out across all of our channels for all the latest iTrust news!

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iTrust International

iTrust is the friction reducing, yield enhancing, capital allocation provider within DeFi insurance. Website: www.info.itrust.finance (itrust.international)