How I Became a Medium Sherpa

Are You a Newbie? I’m Here to Help

Roz Warren, Writing Coach
Ask an Editor
Published in
3 min readMay 21, 2020


A Medium Sherpa in Uniform. (Author photo used with permission.)

One by one, my writer pals (and a bunch of my would-be writer pals) usually get around to asking me about Medium.

“Is it easy?” they’ll ask.

“Yes!” I’ll respond.

“Is it fun?”

“You bet!”

“Can I make good money on Medium?”

“Nope! Absolutely not! That won’t happen.”

“But,” I tell them, “if you join the platform and start writing, you’ll definitely make more money than if you hadn’t.”

After which they usually ask, “How do I start?”

Which is how I became an unofficial, unpaid Medium Sherpa, which is to say that several times a week I help folks set up an account here and start writing.

I walk them through the basic stuff that takes hours to puzzle out on your own but just minutes to master if you’ve got a good teacher, like how to publish a story in a ready-for-Curation format, how to make sure your work is behind the paywall…



Roz Warren, Writing Coach
Ask an Editor

Writing Coach and Editor Roz Warren ( will help you improve and publish your work.