
Chad Miller
It’s a Stupid Game
2 min readAug 4, 2016

August 4th, 2016— day 1 — 400 days until 2017 GTC

Golf is a stupid game. A frustrating, ridiculous, annoying, stressful, beautiful, amazing, wonderful game. Throughout my life I never been more than a marginal golfer, at best. As of today, my handicap sits at 13.9 and I would guess this is about what it was been since I was about 20 years old. Though, I wouldn’t know as this is the first year that I have actually kept a handicap.

As I golf, it often occurs to me that there is much more to my game than the mediocre scores tallied up on my card at the end of the round. But, like any golfer at my level, I am nothing if not inconsistent. It is time to take a step forward. It is time that I actively work towards becoming the golfer I want to be rather than passively settling for being the mediocre golfer that I am.

As I set my sights on a big picture goal of cutting my handicap in half over the next 400 days, and a more specific goal of taking home the Green Towel at the 2017 GTC, I will be using this blog as something of a journal to track my progress, as well as share some stories and thoughts about golf, golf courses, equipment, and other anecdotes involving the trials and tribulations of trying to become a better golfer.

As any avid golfer is certain to be well aware of, cutting your handicap from 14 to 7 over the course of one year is a monumental task. Even more daunting considering that more that half of that year will be spent in the snowy Minnesota winter. That much said — any commentary from the audience along the way will be more than welcome. Whether that be tips & tricks, suggestions, encouragement, discouragement, or other, your feedback is always appreciated. If you are unfamiliar with writing on Medium, providing feedback is quite simple, but different. Simply highlight the portion of the story that you wish to comment on and a menu will pop up. click on the comment bubble to provide feedback. I look forward to any commentary along the way.

Fairways & Greens,

The Man in Orange

