Range Day

Chad Miller
It’s a Stupid Game
3 min readAug 11, 2016

August 11th, 2016 — Day 8 — 393 days until 2017 GTC

Range days for me, and subsequent discussions, make extensive use of my Zepp golf sensor. If you are unfamiliar with this product, please take a moment to read my previous description (linked below)of the sensor’s function.

After a small warm-up with my sand wedge, I hit 39 balls today hitting my 7-iron, hybrid, and my driver.

After a few days off from swinging clubs (time spent watching Olympics and putting in the living room), it was time to get back out on the range and keep that swing tight. As a whole, it was basically just like riding a bike. After a couple swings with the 7-iron, my swing was right back in it’s groove and I was hitting nice, predictable, repeatable, high draws shot-after-shot. It’s a good feeling, let me tell you what.

That said, I am still struggling with my first move being a move over the top and I am struggling to correct that move, as hard as I try to move in the opposite direction. I feel like, in this aspect, the growth of my game as stalled a bit.

The Good

The swing with the 7-iron was really rolling today. Consistently back and forward down the same path, with the ball flight as smooth as the swing looks. The biggest concern is that even in swings like these, that first move is still over-the-top. Even as slight as that move is, it’s still concerning that I seem to be physically unable to make the first move come down below the plane as opposed to above. even when I am actively thinking about it and trying to make it happen.

The Bad

Inconsistent and flat swing planes with the Driver. Both of these two swings are quite flat, but, as you can see, the swing on the left starts more shallow and is not as high up on the shoulder at the top. One thing that I like about the swing on the left is that, while starting shallow, it has a vertical arc as I bring the club back as opposed to the straight back-and-forth, one right. This is a characteristic I have found on days where I was hitting my driver consistent and long while reaching more vertical heights on my backswing.

The Ugly

This ugly looking thing is how I was hitting my hybrid all day. 10 swings with that club and I could not change or fix it. But, the reason that I categorized this as “ugly” instead of bad, was that the 10 balls I was hitting with this swing were actually pretty good. Outside of one that I hooked and 2 that I pushed well right, these were mostly right on target. Goes to show how forgiving these new hybrids are, I suppose. That said, the ball flight (consistently 10 yards short with a slight fade), was very much a reflection of the swing path. Additionally, I was taking fairly pronounced divots with these swings, which is abnormal when I’m swinging this club better. Frankly, I am unsure why I have such a tendency to swing like this with my hybrid and not with other clubs.

That’s all I’ve got for today.

Birdies & Eagles,


