“Have a safe trip and a standing ovation”

My personal KLM super customer support experience. 

Yoav Hornung
It’s all about Customer support.


When a the Norwegian Short Film Festival kindly offered me a flight ticket with KLM from Tel Aviv to Kristiansand for the weekend, I was quite happy.

But, After looking closer at the itinerary I realized that the layover in Amsterdam is very short — 50 mins, and I wasn’t sure if I will actually be able to make it.

22 mins estimated response rate on Facebook, 24 mins on Twitter.

I decided to contact KLM, so I went to their website and found out that they are supposed to reply quickly through Facebook (est. 22 mins) and Twitter (24 mins). I tried both, they replied in both, but since I continued the helpful, funny and amusing chat on Facebook, that will be the channel I’ll focus on.

We all know the automatic machines that try to seem as if real people were behind them, using automatic questions like “hi, how can I help you?” “please write your issue” etc.. they’re all better than nothing, but KLM proved me how they insanely (in a good way) personalize their replies and how human they are in the whole process.

Below you’ll find the whole thread with my comments aside (or below- on mobile) about what impressed me so much. Just read the whole thing, if you don’t understand why I put it, read my commets☺

It started with me, simply asking a general question about my flight.







I have a startup that is all about videos and i’m a filmmaker, you’ll see that in their first line of the first reply they showed how personal the message is, using an emojicon too ☺. Some might say it’s an invasion of privacy but hey — I decided to use Facebook and I can change my privacy settings.

Then, it continued with an into-detail answer with lots of positivity though I still had more questions.



Again, it starts with a comment about my film and the fact it’s going to a festival, they’re asking for a trailer ☺

And again — a super into-detail answer with great suggestions and a lovely with that i’ll have a
“great trip and a standing ovation”




This was where it just got even fun to chat with them, I had some more micro-questions and they answered in details each and every one of them, they loved they trailer of the film and positivity was all over the chat thread.

They definitely have some creative people there or at least, good with words, as they used the title of my film “deserted” in their greeting: “We wouldn’t want you feeling ‘deserted’ at Schiphol Airport, of course ☺”

It ended up with me sending them privately a link to my film, through a message on Facebook and more importantly, me feeling safe and confident with the flight ticket I was offered.

After they watched it, that was what they sent me:

KLM’s Facebook team liking “Deserted”

The social networks are full with complaints, but not enough support and thank you letters so here’s one.

Thank you KLM, you’re awesome. Now — what about a business upgrade?! ☺



Yoav Hornung
It’s all about Customer support.

Filmmaker at heart. I head Verticals & Innovation @ Fiverr // Co-Founder & CEO of VeedMe (Acquired by Fiverr) // Side project: Coverr.