DotLayer Launches 24 Hour Premium WordPress Support for Small Business and Professional Bloggers for Just over $2 / Day per Website.

It’s all about Wordpress
2 min readSep 2, 2017

With the proliferation of affordable web hosting, it is very easy to start a WordPress website with little-to-nothing and many founders and startup owners are doing just that.

WordPress makes it very easy to do just that. What happens when the website breaks because you have a combination of themes and plugins that don't work well together and the problem is unique to your website. Do you start Googling around?

Additionally, agencies aren’t equipped to deal with those small tweaks efficiently and a lot of business owners don’t want to take the time to scour freelancing sites and hand over their passwords for every new small change.

Eli Anderman, one of the co-founders of the service at says his new live 24 hour developer service is designed to bridge this gap.

“Our customers are the types of business owners, professional bloggers who can manage 90% of their websites themselves but there are always things that you still need a developer for.”

Examples of things include fixing broken plugins, style issues, JavaScript clashes and small tweaks.

The service allows bloggers and website managers have the peace of mind that you can have an experienced WordPress developer live who can fix any of these issues 24 hours a day worldwide.”

The service provides for maintenance tasks such as fixing broken themes / plugins and also small tweaks.

Eli says that with a bunch of the inefficiencies of the typical agency model out of the picture (quoting, project management, office space, invoicing etc)

DotLayer is able to offer all these services for little to nothing, just over $2 / day per website.

Eli says customers so far have loved having a developer available when they need it without having to go to the expense and hassle of hiring their own.

There are also plans to release a white label version so that agencies who aren’t in a position to offer 24 hour access to their developers can do so using Dotlayer.

Eli explains “Agencies who would have historically not been able to offer service overseas can now do so because they know their clients will be well supported.”

“And on top of that it provides another recurring revenue option to freelancers and agencies who can set their clients up on recurring support plans.”

Dotlayer has developers worldwide. There is more information available at

About DotLayer is a full-service WordPress agency that provides 24/7 WordPress support, managed hosting, premium themes, plugins and custom development.

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