Carla the Caterpillar Here, and I’ve Just Been Zombified

When wasps attack

Lindsay Rae Brown
it’s just foam
Published in
3 min readApr 12, 2021


Photo by Photoholgic on Unsplash

The night air is sweet with the smell of danger on its winds. -Carla the Caterpillar

Nowhere is safe anymore. Once, when I was but a small larvae, I dreamt of a world filled with possibilities. Now, as I look hopelessly forward to my transformation into a proud geometer moth, I fear that day will never come.

Who knew that instead, I would be sanctioned to a life of servitude from my winged brethren. I want to tell you that I pressed on, living my life and doing all of the caterpillary things that ones of my kind enjoy doing. Things like; eating leaves or falling onto human heads from treetop branches to give them a fright. Alas, this type of beautiful life is not my fate.

Looking back, I now see that I’ve wasted this existence.

Squirrelled away precious moments by constantly looking over my shoulder, waiting, wondering when the bastard Glyptapanteles Wasp-mother would come for me.

I had seen it happen before. Family members cut down in their prime to become a host body for our most loathed enemy. Sacrificing their lives for the parasitoid monsters that would eventually grow to terrorize our next generation.

