I Really Should Do Something About This Mustache

But I’ve grown attached to the thing

Lindsay Rae Brown
it’s just foam
Published in
3 min readJun 15, 2021


Image by Ryan McGuire from Pixabay

My mustache is getting out of control.

I’ve told this joke before, but I think it’s worth telling again. Mostly because people didn’t react to the anecdote with gut-splitting laughter the first time, so being the wise humorist I am, I’m going to try to tell it again and see if I can get a few laughs the second time around.

I know, in my heart, I need to wax the thing.

I should maybe do that turmeric paste method where you make a thick goo of turmeric and some other ingredient that I can’t remember at the moment and then slather it on your face, wait a while, then rub the tiny hairs right out of your skin.

The process seems dubious, at best.

I’m scared of the turmeric method because despite how many times I ask Google, “But will the turmeric stain my upper lip yellow?” I still do not believe the various answers that it won’t.

What then? I have a yellow upper lip with dark black hairs shooting out from it. I’ll be a damn monster. Well, more of a monster than I am already.

I’m scared to wax it because — pain. But I’m also scared not to wax it because I look more and more like Dan the Man every day. Dan the Man is my father. And…

