it’s just foam

Quick and dirty stories that won’t make money but might give someone a laugh

Lindsay Rae Brown
it’s just foam
Published in
2 min readOct 19, 2020


Photo credit: Imagine the Image Photography

It’s a weird name, I know.

But I’m a weird gal. That’s me in the pic. I once paid someone to take a picture while I applied eyeliner.

As far as this pub’s name goes, I was thinking of a hilarious line in a movie I once watched only to find out — after an hour of trying to Google the quote — that the actual line wasn’t what I thought it was.

The movie was Superbad, and when Seth Rogan is nearly puking from running after “the fastest kid alive,” I thought he said, “it’s okay, it’s just foam.”

When in reality, he said, “it’s just beer. It’s just beer.”

I think my line is funnier, but who am I to argue with the pros.

So anyway, I guess this entire publication boils down to my inability to quote movies.

Only further cementing the distinct possibility that I am always failing just a little bit at life.

I’m okay with it though, that’s the beauty of growing older and more confident in one’s weirdness. We leave our unexplainable publication names and hope to hell that someone has the same line of thought, therefore justifying…

