Why Angels Wipe Their Butts with Razor Blades

And other things I ponder when I’m poor

Sarah Paris
it’s just foam


An angel in nature
A forlorn angel, upset about her toilet paper. Photo by pixundfertig/Pixabay

These days, money eludes my life. It’s the dangling, floating carrot, just out of my reach.

Most people assume I take Scrooge McDuck baths, in mountains of cold, hard cash. Alas, there’s no truth to these rumors.

I have a roof over my head. I enjoy a loving, reliable relationship with my VW Tiguan. I can get creative with limited groceries and make a box of pasta, two avocados, and a bag of spinach last three weeks like some kind of mad genius.

In times of financial struggle, I find myself asking new, unexplored questions, too. For example, when I’m grocery shopping on an extremely limited budget, I may wonder:

Why do angels use razor blades to wipe their butts?


Is $6.99 too much to spend on a chicken breast?


Can I make it through the next three weeks with half a tank of gas in my car?

As a full-time writer, I’m overflowing with gratitude for my ongoing gigs, and typically, they pay my bills.

However, a universal slash in creative budgets often means freelancers are the first to feel the publication crunch. I don’t earn 6 figures. My…



Sarah Paris
it’s just foam

Author of Signs My Toddler Has a Drinking Problem (humor collection).Freelance writer of all things. Looper features writer. Believer. Adventurer. Semi- funny.