
Client briefs and cab drivers

Leigh Reyes
It’s Madvertising
1 min readJun 25, 2013


I take a cab to work most days and dictate the route to the cab driver because the other one takes longer. So when today’s cab driver decided to take the longer route while I was busy tweeting, I snarled. “Why did you take this route?” “It’s better, there’s less traffic.” That irritated me even more, because I had settled on my route exactly for the same reason.

I was a sulking hulk in the back seat every minute of that ride, and every red light, every jeepney picking up passengers in the middle of the road, every pothole proved him wrong and me right.

I still got to work, but I paid more than I usually did. He was too apologetic too late.

The next time I want to tell my client I totally disagree with the brief that they spent months preparing, based on the business they know inside out, and “here’s our take on it,” I’ll think twice.



Leigh Reyes
It’s Madvertising

Art. Words. Tech. Fountain pens. Calligraphy. Science fiction. Music. Advertising. Creativity. Pres & CCO, @mullenloweph.