A Crazy, Crazy, Crazy Day

Staying up all night to finish a page. My first interpretation. And a lot of murder, teardrops.

Obinna Morton
It’s My Life 2.3
4 min readAug 14, 2021


Image courtesy of Pixabay

So my spirit feels okay today and there are 17 notifications but I haven’t checked into the Writers and Editors of Color Slack Channel for a couple of days (too in my own world), or read other people’s articles yet. Too much atm.

And then in another life dimension, I am also figuring out how to kind of keep people in my life in the right space and still show love and kindness along with boundaries. That is difficult because like, you don’t want to hurt anyone, and then also I want to be a decent human you know. But still not be hurt or lines crossed also…it’s tough.

For me to process though.

So I pulled an all nighter writing a page for a client. I said I would have the page back in 7 to 10 business days but they got annoyed with it not being a week like they were told. I took on more clients than I should have these last two weeks and am a little behind. So I give a few days cushion after the client page interview.

I have to work on my timing I know. This though was difficult because I had to finish this first before someone who chronologically was before them but was understanding of this delay.

So I will figure out my time and project management. I have to. But it was still annoying. But I’ll use this as a learning experience to improve my time management.

Also today I did the first interpretation with This Interpretation Agency. I don’t want to share more because my skills need work. There are some words I didn’t know, and I broke down in front of the doctor and the patient in one instance. 🤦🏿‍♀️‍🤦🏿‍♀️🤦🏿‍♀️ Ready to ask if they could find someone else mid-job. Facepalm.

But I finished this through and recovered. Details for another day. It is the first time with this agency, and the second time officially. The first real interpretation I did was nine years ago, but not as intentional as this one. So I think this is the first official official one, having the intention of improving and taking the actions to do so.

Emotionally it also hurts to interpret for a sick person, but also, maybe there is a human silver lining that the barrier to communication doesn’t exist as much, even though honestly, I need some work. I hope that even with the clear issues/gaffes, that communication was a little better.

They were African too.

That’s as much as I want to share.

I got back today at 11:30am after not sleeping at all and plopped on the bed and slept until 4:30pm. Like, the fuck. I feel like Nicole TV lol.

She is really young and says stuff like that. But I talk like this too sometimes. I’m not trying to mimic “The Kids”, I hope anyway. Getting older IS tough.

Anyway, I’m awake now back to work. This week was just a clusterfuck.

Also, can I say one last thing?

Yesterday — in between practicing for interpretation this morning and finishing this writing page to finish editing in a few minutes and share with the client — I am emotionally wrecked for this reason…NOW.


Sad and HORRIBLE sentences next.

Sad And Horrible Awfulness NOW

This father who murdered his daughter, but not before taking her to the store to get her favorite candy and then violating her sexually first, a MONSTER. An ex-boyfriend or husband, for sure EX-CONVICT, who murdered his ex-girlfriend or wife as she was calling 911 and the operators DID NOTHING as they listened to him basically TAKE her life. Another man recently who is in jail as a suspect for murdering a Bank of America executive. Another man who violently took the life of his wife and daughter, and couldn’t get to his son next before police arrived and saved him. Seriously?

All of these are black men who are doing this to black girls and women. This is what I will say for now because it is a thing…and who talks about this? No one. But again, this will be another article where I will say things that because of this obvious oppression, people will have to just you know, go fuck themselves.

Now, here are two switch cases where the woman does it to the man. So yes, black men are victims too of black women. That should be noted. But I, when I Godwilling look into this, I speculate the reverse is MUCH more common. That’s my guess, my instinctive guess because of the power structure.

Sad And Horrible Awfulness NOW

A wife murdered her ex-NBA star husband and had 7 kids with him. He cheated a lot— it’s the unspoken agreement you sign with an athlete and a number of men in general. So maybe it wasn’t said but when you know that, you know kind of maybe you will cheat too. So maybe she cheated too. Also, another wife murdered her husband and did some horribly crazy shit to him asking their children to help “get rid of the evidence”. Are you CRAZY?

This is awful and should be discussed.

I didn’t mean to end on such a sombre note, but this is all that was in my mind these past few days, real experiences, real issues, and real dangers. This is the start because these deserve actual articles on their own.

Thank you for reading.

Au revoir. Goodbye. Ka odi.



Obinna Morton
It’s My Life 2.3

My name is Obinna. This is my story. WEOC, The Pink, The Book Mechanic.