Broken Winged


Obinna Morton
It’s My Life 2.3
1 min readMar 30, 2022


Image courtesy of Pixabay

I reacted
I said with my actions
All that needed to be said

“Are you okay,” they asked
My eye rolls and frustrated voice
Said otherwise
“Yes,” I said as I shook my head no
No I can’t elaborate rn
It doesn’t feel right

Yes I made mistakes
A good many

But still kept decorum
Though they saw my rebellion
In plain sight
A physical manifestation
(I’m speaking code…)

And what do you do
When you don’t feel safe?

And have trouble
Existing in a space?

It got to the point
I couldn’t fake it anymore

And they noticed

I wish I could say more
But karmically it’s not clean

So God, let me hold it together
And find safety
Until I can move on

For now

It is right

My sister called it Oedipal
Facing the blind spot
When you thought you could escape
It comes back
Because you lied to yourself

I did
Without the incest
I should say that

Let my intuition be right
My body didn’t just rebel
I hope
For nothing

Or my actions

I have to go now



Obinna Morton
It’s My Life 2.3

My name is Obinna. This is my story. WEOC, The Pink, The Book Mechanic.