Annotated Bibliography

Jack Smith
It’s My Process
Published in
6 min readMar 3, 2016

For my sources, I chose one website about Cerebral Palsy and another web page article on lessons learned while filming with a GoPro. I also selected a few videos of inspirational stories of people with disabilities. Lastly, I found a photo essay and news articles from the Red & Black’s online archives. All of my sources are cited using MLA format.

“Inspiration.” Stern Law PLLC, 2016. Web. 03 Mar. 2016. is a website dedicated to any and everything related to CP. It has information about CP and stories of inspiration. The website also has a real communal feel to it. While CP only affects 2 or 3 children out of 1,000 in America, there are a lot of ways to lessen the hold of CP and many ways to live a healthy life with CP.

This website leans a little bit more towards the younger ages, but I chose to use this source because I know Marquise at 21 years old, but I didn’t know him at five years old. Researching on this website has allowed me to get a better feel for what Marquise’s life may have looked like before we ever met. After reading stories of other people, it seems to me that some people with Cerebral Palsy are truly super heroes. The amount of courage and strength they possess is extremely admirable and I hope that I am able to highlight Marquise’s toughness in the same way that the writers were able to describe their subjects.

Mills, Dan. “7 GoPro Lessons I Learned from Pretending to Be a Videographer for a Week.” Wistia. N.p., 16 Oct. 2014. Web. 03 Mar. 2016.

As the title of the article states, this source is about lessons learned about filming with a GoPro. The author, Dan Mills, has written this article to inform his audience about the time he acted like he was a videographer and shot a couple’s wedding using a GoPro. He writes about some of his findings like the importance of stabilization while filming and also the need to test equipment before it’s time to shoot.

I selected this article because I am in the same shoes as the author. I just purchased this GoPro HERO4 Silver, so I am reading for advice and also because I need to take his advice and practice before I am ready to shoot. Additionally, I find it to be very interesting what he says about letting people play with the GoPro; it is possible that the GoPro may catch some great shots even if I’m not aware that great shots are present. I may just let the GoPro run some times to see if I can catch candid action and stuff of that nature. I am hoping to use the GoPro for a multitude of shots. Some of the shots I am hoping to capture include stationary shots in an interview style, highlights of Marquise’s differences in mobility, & shots of Marquise around campus.

Pearce, Matthew. “Advanced IMovie Tips.” YouTube. YouTube, 20 June 2010. Web. 18 Apr. 2016.

Upon completion of filming, I began working with all of my footage. I had captured roughly thirty minutes worth of interviews and additional shots for secondary visuals. Editing and trimming these clips were very tedious processes. Once trimming and weeding out had taken place, I imported all of the remaining footage to iMovie.

I am working on a MacBook Pro that my parents gave me for Christmas this past year; this is my first Apple computer. Therefore, the Mac operating system and iMovie are not things in which I have yet mastered. So when I got everything into iMovie, I had a general idea of controls and what I wanted to do. However, I went searching for iMovie tutorials to become more knowledgeable about the program and also to become more efficient working with it.

I want this documentary to be good, not for my pride or for my grade. I want this documentary to be good for Marquise. I want him to watch it and understand just how big of an accomplishment he has made here at UGA. I want him to watch it and be proud of it. I have been watching iMovie tricks and tips because Marquise deserves this documentary to be as good as I can make it.

Schafer, Randy. “Access Denied: Campus Tour with Carden Wyckoff and Marquise Lane.” The Red and Black. N.p., 17 Apr. 2014. Web. 03 Mar. 2016.

2 years ago, there was a movement to earn “Equal Access” at UGA’s treasured Arch. By this was meant: a handicap accessible method for students with disabilities to be able to go under the arch, a tradition held near and dear by most graduates. Marquise was one of the student leaders of this movement. This photo essay was written during this movement.

It was a no-brainer to use this as a source of inspiration and slight direction. The photo essay provides me with some neat locations for shots around UGA. It also allows me to see those locations and brainstorm places like it and also places possibly better for filming video. I don’t plan on my video being about this movement, but Marquise may obviously want to talk about it since it was a significant happening during his time here. This documentary may, in the end, piggy-back off of that movement and wind up stirring up talks of it again.

Ted(Talks). “Maysoon Zayid: I Got 99 Problems… Palsy Is Just One.” YouTube. YouTube, 3 Jan. 2014. Web. 03 Mar. 2016.

Wow. Maysoon Zayid is inspiring. This is a talk she gave for Women’s TedTalks. She has CP, but that certainly is not what defines her. Is it part of who she is? Sure. Is it what controls her life? No way. Instead of letting CP control her, she sees it as a way to inspire and influence people. In some ways, I feel that this is Marquise’s same mind-set. Marquise has CP, but Marquise also has the will and the want to overcome CP’s obstacles so that he can live life the way he wants to — not the way CP tries to force on him. I hope that in our documentary, we can highlight how Marquise is minutely defined by CP (how he must take a van around campus, etc.), but how much more Marquise defines living a beautiful and fulfilling life with CP. Like Vujicic’s story, Zayid presents her life very transparently. I want to do the same with Marquise’s documentary and he has shared with me that he is very open to discussing and highlighting most anything about his life. Obviously, we won’t do anything that makes Marquise uncomfortable, but I definitely want people to understand how “small” and “simple” tasks to us may not be too small or simple to him.

Vujicic, Nick. “Never Give Up.” YouTube. YouTube, 24 Mar. 2012. Web. 03 Mar. 2016.

I had never heard of Nick Vujicic before researching, but now I’ll never forget him. This video is extremely powerful as he tells about how he finds strength and drive in life, even though he was born without any limbs. A quotation pops up during the video and reads, “Hear the Heart.” I hope that my documentary reflects that quote.

Nick Vujicic has a great sense of humor and he truly knows what life is about; I can say the exact same for Marquise. While their circumstances differ, their positive outlook on life and their desire to love others doesn’t differ. I want to be able to highlight these traits of Marquise in my video. Because at the end of the day, a medical term is just a medical term. Marquise and his story are stronger than any medical diagnosis. I want my video to show how Marquise sees life so beautifully, when he could so easily give up like Nick Vujicic speaks about. I also want Marquise’s sense of humor to be a big part of the documentary because he has a million-dollar smile. When he smiles, everyone else does too — and this will add to the goal of inspiring and touching our audience.

