Bay Area sees snowfall for first time since 1976 due to rise in flakiness

Tina Zheng
It’s Not a Good Fit at This Time
2 min readMay 24, 2019

San Francisco, CA — Residents of Market St., San Francisco, bore witness to a historic event this past weekend, as snow hit the ground for the first time since May 1976.

Sam Goldman, a resident of San Francisco’s trendy SOMA neighborhood, was awestruck. “Flakes. There are flakes everywhere. All over the city,” he said. “I’ve never seen anything like it. Gave me a good excuse to stay home and catch up on Game of Thrones.”

Sam deciding between going to his friend’s gathering and going home.

Not everyone was ecstatic about the snowfall, however, as the rise in flakes caused many functions throughout the city to shut down. Barbara Song, a 24-year-old tech employee, hosted a housewarming party over the weekend. “Because there were so many flakes, many people couldn’t leave their houses,” she says. “50 of my friends and LinkedIn connections were invited, and only 2 were able to show up.”

Sara Lee, a resident of SF’s Mission Bay neighborhood, reportedly knew of the snowfall ahead of time. “Oh yeah, the number of flakes in my area have been increasing for quite some time. I organized a dinner with two of my friends, but I knew it wasn’t going to happen, so I didn’t even get dressed or check my phone that day.” Unsurprisingly, Sara’s two friends texted her fifteen minutes after the proposed dinner time, and canceled because of their “Uber drivers taking bad routes”.

Sources close to Sara reveal that after this past weekend, she bumped into her friends on Mission Street, which is still covered in flakes. They exchanged polite “Let’s hang out sometime”s, but reportedly have not been in communication since.

Our experts cannot provide an estimate of how much longer San Francisco will be covered in flakes.

