Three To Tango (1999)

Is This How We Should Remember Matthew Perry?

Dana Blythe
It's Only A Movie


For the past few months, I have sought out films depicting triads, open relationships, and the occasional love triangle. It is difficult to find such films that end positively, allowing characters to love who they want without some kind of punishment.

After the passing of Matthew Perry, the 1999 film Three to Tango crossed my IG feed. Based on the movie’s poster showing two men and a woman, it appeared to be a potential film to add to my Letterboxd list.

It wasn’t.

But the film was… educational, in that it shows a unique time for Gays entering public spaces and merging with the straight world. It borders on progressive politics meeting dumb, privileged people. If I can recall 1999 (I was 19), Queer politics was evolving in a positive direction. What I believed to be challenging, yet freer times than the previous generation now looks draconian by today’s standards.

For example, I went to Prom with my best friend, who was openly Gay with me. He also brought his ex-girlfriend, to whom he was closeted. The situation was this: they broke up, and he forgot he promised…



Dana Blythe
It's Only A Movie

Reviews movies showing a variety of relationship structures. She is writing a novel about a romantic triad.