Embracing White Space — Both in Writing and in Life

Why it’s become more important than ever

Vritant Kumar
2 min readJan 19, 2023


Photo by Rasmus Smedstrup Mortensen on Unsplash

Don’t forget to take a deep breath.

Don’t you think our lives have become a lot more chaotic in recent times?

I am not talking about yesterday, nor the day or the week before. I am talking about life.

Let all the years you have lived briefly revisit your mind.

When I do so, one thing captures my interest. It was the ability to be blank.

It may sound weird, but I think we have forgotten to appreciate that blank space.

We have accepted borderline toxic productivity as the new normal. We have become restless. More restless than ever.

That white space we so much appreciate in our writing needs to be deployed somewhere else too. In our lives.

It’s high time.

We need not run behind all the fancy things. Instead, we should streamline where we spend our time, attention, and effort.

Can’t we achieve more that way?

We should take control of our life.

I tried ChatGPT this past week. I was amazed. Its sheer brilliance made me think about the future of digital writing.

Are we going to be relevant? How will the landscape change? Can I do something to adapt to these changing times?

I was musing on those topics day in and day out. I’ve got some wonderful revelations, but let’s keep that for another day.

One of the things that is not directly linked to this, nonetheless it is closely related, is that we need not work like machines.

We need to differentiate. We are made to do more creative things.

Are we born to be so productive that a bit of white space feels like procrastination?

We need to reflect. Reflect on more human topics. Let’s chase our curiosities.

I changed the description of this publication a little. I hope this will help me explore topics that I fear/shy away from sharing.

Screenshot of my publication’s homepage.
Screenshot of my publication’s homepage.



Vritant Kumar

I write to EXPLORE as much as I write to EXPRESS. 6x top writer. newsletter: vritant.substack.com